Chapter 1: Lullaby

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Ugh, do I really need to do this?
Yes, he is on our list.
Yeesh, fine...

Lullaby's POV

'Why is it that I have to do all the work?' My right eye was twitching by the seconds that pass. I was waiting in a dark alleyway, waiting for our contract. Yes I meant it as a group assignment. You see, I work for this gang that calls themselves "Red Lips." Like, seriously, they might as well get their van and instruments if they wanna go on tour.
"Lullaby, come on! We're counting on you for this one!" Jordan whispered in a yell. Jordan is the leader of this organization. I hate him. To be honest with you, I actually hate everyone. I even hate myself. I just wanna die right here, right now.
"Alright alright, hold your fucking horses, Captain." I remarked. That's when he came. Just passing on through like the drunk fuck he is, our contract came. He stopped dead center of where you enter the alley. He saw me, looking at me with a dumbfound face.
He then gave off a seductive smirk. "Hey there little girl.." He called out, "What're you doing down here alone, in the dark of this here alleyway?"
I shivered 'Ugh.. Creep.'
I then started to pull my green poncho on my left shoulder down "I just wanted to ask you if you wanna have an oh. So. Good. Time~" I said, taking my poncho off by each small sentence.
I didn't care if my bandages were showing. As long as I got the curves, no man would resist me. The man then came a little closer by each step, not even caring about that he was falling in a trap. " Oh~? Such a naughty girl you are. But I'll play with you~" I now had a better look of him. He was dirty, smelt like alcohol. He was wearing an old tattered black suit. The tie was undone along with the uneven lines of his buttons being placed. His eyes were a dead blue, with bags under them, they were also puffy red like his cheeks. Might have been from all the crying. His hair was like of that when he just got out of bed, very messy. It was dark red. 'Gingers... Ew.'
He then grabbed at my waist with his big cold hands. I placed my small hands on his chest. "Ooo~ Now looks who's the naughty beast~" I cooed doing a scowl with my right index finger. His smirk turned into a grin. "But before we get naughty, why not I give you a little treat~?" I placed my right hand to my back pocket where I held his prize. "Oh~? You gonna give me a blow job~?" I gave out a teeth gritting frown. "Not even close dumbass!" Before he could process what was going on, I slipped out my knife from my back pocket and stabbed him, dead on in the heart. I repeated this until i was fully satisfied with my work. I stood up, panting. I then heard A few applauding claps everywhere around me.
"Amazing work there, Lullaby!" Jordan complimented, while coming out of the shadows, coming to congratulate me.
"Yeah yeah, whatever Captain. I only did it for the fucking killing spree, nothing else." I spat it back while looking at the corpse in front of me.
I then reached into the corpse's back pocket, and took out the wallet. I unfolded it to receive my pay. I didn't care for the gift cards or ID, instead, I took the bank card. "I'll be needing you later." I whispered to the card, pocketing it in my poncho. Jordan laughed lightly as this scene. "My my Lullaby, you're eager for money, aren't you?" I looked up at him from my crouching position. "Why the fuck would you care. Leave me be, dumbass of a Captain."
You're probably wondering why I take dead people's money. It's because it makes me feel more special, like I got a raise in this job. Of course we get our pay from the contractors, but it isn't enough for my needs.
"Come along, Lullaby, let's go."
"Coming Captain."
I jumped into the back of the black van, one of the members closed the door, and we drove off.
Jordan took a cigarette pack out, opening it and then dipped his mouth in it to pull out his prized possession. One of his comrades pulled a match out for him so he can unleash the death of all lungs into his system.
"So... Um ahh..." We had a noob in our group, and he still doesn't know my story or name, such happy.
"Lullaby." I said with a cold stare.
"Oh! Um, Lullaby. Do you, um, like.. To kill people? Or, are you. Doing this for the money?"
"Both." My answers are simple and plain. "To be honest with you, that's what all of our members are like. They love to kill, and they love the cash they get for the budget. Aren't I right, boys?" I waved to the other men in the van.
They all nodded in agreement, a few hums from some. That's when Jordan spoke up.
"She's right, noob. We only do it for those two reasons." Jordan than turned to the noob. "You should have known that from the beginning, kid."
The noob then hung his head down in shame, getting a few pitiful laughs from the members.
"Hey noob." The noob then perked his head back up to Jordan. "Don't worry, your just slow at this, give it some time for it all to seep into your skull." Jordan then turned back to the highway while puffing out the deadly toxin, telling the drive to go faster. The noob then nodded and went back to slinking.
The rest of the ride was quiet. The only thing that made sound was the engine.
The engine then stopped, instructing us that we're here. Everyone hopped out of the car.
We then walked into an alleyway where a red door was placed at the end of the alley. We walked up to it. Being the leader he is, Jordan knocked on the door. A few footsteps were heard. Then a jingle of the peep hole slide aside. "Who is it?" A buff voice questioned with anger. Me, being the rude one I always am, stepped Jordan aside and answered for him. Jordan didn't even give a fuck about the harsh shove.
"Who the fuck do you think it is, DumbBuff?" "Oh. My apologies Miss Rose I-" "Yeah yeah, save it for later. Now let us fucking in! It's fucking cold out here!" As quick as I said it, mister buff opened the door and made way for us inside. I walked in first, since "Ladies first." Everyone was having a swell time, drinking at the bar, playing pool, and getting some action with the strange ladies in their slutty underwear behind the curtains. I'm not one of them, oh hell to the fucking no. I'm different from those sluts. I actually kill. They dance and have sex with the members. Totally not me.
I sat at my couch. Yes my couch. It was a luxurious red couch. It was near a window where you can see the streets and other buildings of the city. If anyone ever lays a finger or even sits at my couch I will, and I repeat, I will murder them. No joke. One time, I saw a guy who was sitting here, minding his own business. That was until he had to deal with me. He's now one with the dead.
I was staring out the window, I then felt pressure on the seat. I turned with a glare. It was no other than the captain himself. I gave off a grunt noise and turned back to the window.
I don't mind the captain sitting on my couch, it is his building and furniture. Can't tell anyone to get off their own recliner.
"You did good for that contract tonight. The boy who told us about this man was very happy. The boy thought if you would like to go for dinner sometime."
"Not fucking interested. I don't want a marriage arrangement." It's these people that I don't like. The contractor was a 17 year old teen. And a handsome one at that, but one I don't find handsome at all. He got the money and the popularity at his age. He sent us to go after this man, which is also known as his father, to kill him. I didn't do this for a fancy dinner with a rich boy, I did it for the money. Nothing more nothing less.
Nothing I would know is that when I'm done with the contract they would ask me out to places, since they found me sexy and attractive. It happened to me ever since so I've been avoiding the get-to-know-you-more-so-I-can-get-in-your-panty tactic for years now.
"Suit yourself." Jordan then left me to be with my thoughts.
'Fuck everyone. Fuck my life. Fuck my bitchy mother.' I smirked at the last part.
Dear mother, how are you down there, burning? Does it feel nice to feel the pain I went through?

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