Chapter 2

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It Started On Omegle- Chapter 2

Elena's POV

Damn, that accent of his was enough to bring any girl to her knees. And don't even get me started on his grin. His teeth were perfect. He was perfect. This moment was perfect. I had never met anyone who was as gorgeous as him and for the first time ever, I was actually glad that we were on omegle.

"Well, you guys certainly are hot. 10 out of 10 would bang" Astrid winked.  

I looked at Astrid in shock. Where the hell did the sudden burst of confidence come from? Sure, she's always been confident but I didn't know that she was this confident. These guys were bringing out a different side to Astrid. A side which I had never seen before and I don't know whether or not I liked it.

“Where you cuties from?” Damon asked. “The land of tea and crumpets, also more commonly known as England” Tiffany chirped. “Tiff!” I hissed. “Why are you telling them what country we’re from? For all we know, they could be perverted psychopathic lunatics!” I glanced at the two boys nervously, hoping that they wouldn’t get too mad at me calling them that but instead of seeing two angry faces, I saw two angelic ones looking at me. Damon was looking at me with amusement and Lucas was was just smirking. Mmm that smirk…

“Australia? Wow cool!” Grinned Damon. There was an awkward pause as none of us said anything. “Sooo…how old are you girls?” Lucas asked. “Tiffany and I are eighteen and Elena is currently seventeen but she's turning eighteen soon. What about you guys?” I sighed and glanced at the clock. Sure, these guys were hot but the whole conversation was just plain boring. Anyway, I could probably get out of this chat easily seeing as Astrid and Tiffany were basically hypnotised by the two boys. They were doing all the talking anyway so they probably won’t mind. “I’m nineteen and Lucas is turning nineteen in two weeks,” Damon said. I watched as Astrid and Tiffany nodded at each other, obviously approving of the age difference between them and us. I sighed, getting up from the bed and lying down on the floor. Astrid and Tiffany hadn’t noticed that I’d moved, and why would they? They were both busy flirting with the boys.

After another 5 minutes of flirting, Tiffany got up and muttered sorry before leaving to go to the bathroom to pee.“I'll be back,” she walked out of my room casually. “I'm hungry. Be right back, I’m going to go get some food,” Astrid smiled, leaving me alone with the laptop and the two boys. Lucas started whispering something to Damon and then he too left the room.

 “You know, Elena, you have really nice eyes” Lucas told me, a grin tugging at the sides of his lips. I scoffed “Pur-leasee. I bet you say that to every girl.” “I do,” he confessed. “But believe me when I say that you’re one of the only girls whom I've said it to and it's been true.” “Sure….” my voice trailed off. “Anywayy, what part of England are you from?” “Bristol.” I lied. I’m actually from London but there is no way I’m telling him that. “So prince-“ I cut him off before he could finish, “Don't call me that.” “Why not? You look a princess! Hmm let’s see, your favourite colour is pink, your wardrobe is full of dresses and skirts, you love shopping and getting manicures and pedicures and the thing you hate most is breaking a nail!”

I glared at Lucas. That definitely wasn’t me. I’m like the complete opposite. I don’t exactly like the colour pink, my wardrobe isn’t full of dresses and skirts and I’ve only had a manicure once and that was for my sixteenth birthday. I hate you, you stupid dumbass American who looks like a Greek god. “That is so not true,” I said through gritted teeth.  “Hey hey hey hold up girl, no need to get angry. I was just messing with you.” I sighed as I felt another awkward silence coming. I sat there awkwardly, waiting for my friends to return when Lucas suddenly said, “let’s be friends.”  “What?” I asked, confused. “Lets be friends” Lucas repeated “ I promise I won't be a dick.” Rolling my eyes I replied, “Okay.” It's not like I'd ever see or talk to him after tonight anyway. Lucas lived in America and I lived in England. That alone is enough to prove that I will never see him again. “Really?” he asked. I watched as his eyes widened in both surprise and happiness. I started to giggle; he looked like a little kid in a candy store. It was adorable.

“Yes, Lucas. I’ll be your friend"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2013 ⏰

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