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They got out of the car and began to walk to the school." New start okay Cas. this time try to make some new friends and don-" Charlie stopped when she bumped into someone. Cas saw his green eyes and his eyes widen. He quickly turned and walked away quickly." God Damnit Dean. It was supposed to be a new start for Cas and you had to ruin it. What is moose here to Pie knight?" Charlie crossed her arms. dean's eyes widened. He smiled and hugged her." I've missed you so much Charlie." He said into her hair." How many girls Charlie?" He asked after hugging." to many to count you?" She laughed. Dean shrugged." where's Cas?" Dean questioned." Cas has had a few problems. You do know what today is right?" She raised an eyebrow." Charlie I still do that. every year. There's Oreos stuck on the ceiling of the cafeteria." Dean chuckled." what what problems?" Dean got serious." After you left, he stopped talking to people other than family. He's been trying to forget you but today, seeing you probably pushed it over board." Charlie said." it's about to rain come on," Charlie said and dragged him into the school as the rain drops fell." is Cas still?" Dean looked at Charlie and she nodded. They walked into the office and got Charlie and Cas's schedule. then the bell rang and the halls were deserted." Are we going to find Cas?" Dean asked. Charlie nodded." I'll check the left side and you check the right. meet back after next bell." Charlie said and grabbed deans phone from his pocket." Here's my phone number." Charlie said before walking to the left side and Dean to the right.

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