Ch.5 family photos

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Rikers pov
We are on our way to my moms house to pick up Ricky's bag and a few pictures because Zoey had a good idea to go get a collage made for Ricky's baby book and the main picture in our new house.

"I'm so excited rikey thank you for doing this with me" zoey said shaking my arm then putting her hand in mine.

"No problem baby I want to do it" I looked at her then back at the road.

"Hey mom" I said while carrying Ricky and zoey on my arm.

"Yay! Is Ricky here with us for a few hours?" Rydel asked I set him down and she took him our of his car seat.

"No but you can play with him me and zoey need to look through some photos." she squealed and went to the couch next to Ellington.

We looked through 40 different piles of photos and only came out with 2 photos Zoey wanted in the collage which took like 2 hours.

"Time to go Ricky" I said taking him from Rydel an Ellington.

"Man we were just starting a game" Rydel said I hugged her and Ellington an me and zoey left.

"I have a few photos when you were pregnant in the camera in the trunk" I said putting Ricky in the car.

She got the camera an went to the front seat.

"I like this one" she showed me a photo of her in the park looking at a puppy on the ground in the way beginning of fall it was still summer and she was 8months and 2 weeks pregnant.

"I like that one two that's why I edited it so it could look prettier not that your not pretty but most things look better in black and white" I said trying not to get slapped.

"Your right" she smiled an kissed my cheek and looked through the camera again.

"I like this picture, when did we do this?" she gave me the camera at a stop light.

"I think as soon as we took Ricky home" I gave it back to her and she edited it to make it black an white.

"How did you know how to do that?" I looke at her it took me weeks of Ross teaching me because he's a camera freak now.

"I don't know maybe I'm a brilliant filmographer" she said looking at me with the camera in her hands and smiling

"I still wonder if that's a word" she giggled and my heart burst.

"My heart just bursted" I said looking at her.

"What does that mean?" she set the camera down.

"That means that I and I love with you and my heart is over flowing with desire and love and hope." I said she touched my arm.

"Why hope?" her voice cracked she was about to cry.

"Hope because I hope we can be through everything together like possibly having another kid, Ricky going to prom, Ricky getting married and him having his own kids" she kissed my cheek shaking

"That was b-beautiful Riker and I feel the same w-way when you call me p-pretty or b-beautiful when I w-was pregnant and how you would d-do anything to make me comfortable, I have officially found my shining armor and I don't plan on loosing him anytime soon" I smiled and she kissed me at a stop light as soon as I stopped the car.

"I love you" she said still shaking as she was inches from my lips

"I love you too" I gave her a quick peak on the lips and she sat down again and we arrived at the place

"Riker! Riker can we have your autograph! Riker can we get a picture with you! Riker whose this?" fans said running over to me as soon as I got out of the car and went to the back seat.

"Riker what happened to us?" a little 12 year old said

"Well I found a girl my age and we had a baby and-"

"OMG you guys and a baby!!!! what's its name!?"

"Shhh stop screaming you going to scare him, his name is Ricky" next thing I know a bunch of reporters come out of no where.

"Is it true you are getting married soon?"

"Is it true you are dating zoey Johnson the shadow cheerleader?"

"Are you going with the R names like your parents?"

All the reporters were being crazy with the fans.

"Please leave me alone I'm trying to get pictures printed" I held the camera up from them until one of the reporters made me drop the camera and it shattered on the ground.

"Don't freak out, don't freak out" everyone got silent after I dropped it then they all were gone in a flash.

"All of the pictures are gone" I sat in the car again

"No they aren't I took the memory card out thinking we could just take this in" I was shocked she saved the card.

"And it's true I was a shadow cheerleader" she gave me the card.

"Hey hey hey no baby you weren't, its because you weren't bitchy like the others and that's why they thought you were different from everyone, but I saw the good in you you were and still are a very kind person but if someone gets on the wrong side of you you can take them it's self defense pretty much" I said pulling her back in the car.

"Your right riker" she kissed me and we went inside

"These turned out amazing!" I said looking at the collage [beginning]

"I know so we have one for everyone of the people that love with your mom 2 for our wallets and or baby book and a giant one for the living room of the new house."

"That's right" I said getting in the car

"Your cute when you say that" she said after putting Ricky in the back seat.

"That's right" I said nice and slow and she adored me after she was all over my lips.

"MMmm" I said tasting her soft cherry lips.

"Lets go home and then start packing" she said after sitting down.
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Ok so what did you think of my collage if you didn't see it it's at the beginning.

I like it a lot and this chapter was this short?

Let me know in the comments below

Bye loves 😘😘

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