Characters intro ^.^

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Name : Igneel Atlas Heartfilla Dragoneel

Parents: Natsu and Lucy Dragoneel

Personally: Trustworthy, kind, generous, serous, strong , helpful, smart, mature for his age, can be a out going person, over protective of his mom and sister and winter, can be honest

Age: 17 Birthday: May, 10th

Magic: Dragon slayer fire magic and a bit of requip (Is that how you spell it -.-)

what he likes to do: Loves to fight but controls himself, family time, to spend time with winter and loves to prank people and loves chocolate and loves his two brothers

What he hates: hates people picking on nashi or winter, hates bad people, and doesn't like to argue with people often is peacemaker


Names: Luke Jude Heartfilla Dragoneel and Damien heartfilla Natsu Dragoneel

Parents : Natsu and Lucy Dragoneel

Personally: Luke: Loud, hot headed, nice, fights a lot, and is a bit dense to a girls feelings, also immature and not too dumb and not to smart and also strong .......Damien: Honest, quiet, clam collected, loves to read, and is mature, serous, also very smart during battle, and a bit shy

Ages: Both are twins 16 Birthdays: June, 5th

what both like to do: Luke: loves to fight, like to get lily mad at him, and enjoys to sing but secretly with his siblings, and likes to write stories, and loves to play dumb with women, and nashi is his most favorite person ...........Damien: loves to read, also loves to play the drums but secretly but only in front of his brothers and sister, and likes to read some of Luke stories, and likes to hang around Emerald, loves his family, and likes to tease people on their relationships

Magic: Luke is a fire dragon slayer so is his brother Damien also both use celestial magic

What both hate: Luke hates when people pick on nashi, hates mean people, hates bullies, and over confidante people, and hates people threating his family and Damien is the same but hates people who make fun of his mom


Name: Nashi Layla Heartfilla Sakura Dragoneel

Parent: Natsu and Lucy Dragoneel

Age: 15 Birthday: November, 4

Magic: Fire Dragon slayer and celestial mage

Personally: Kind, nice, immature, can be serous if needed, can be a hot head, town boy, trustworthy, smart, helpful, and can be loud, out going person, strong willed person

What she likes to do: loves to read, loves to fight with sliver and like too prank people with igneel, loves to spend time with her dad and mom, and she loves her scarf, and loves to play dense with guys, and likes to hand out with winter

What she hates : hates picky people, doesn't like girly girls, hates make up and dresses, hates when people make fun of her family, and hates when guys check her out, and doesn't like girls to be fanning over her bothers, and hates when people leave out winter in things


Next one will be on the Fullbusters ^.^

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