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I walk into my psychology class and take my seat. A girl named Chrissy sits in front of me, she's always turning around trying to talk to me, she's like a really perky person and she's seems to over due stuff a lot, as if I'm trying to say she exaggerates.

I take out my laptop because today we are using them. I open my laptop and put in my password as Chrissy turns around. "Hey Jace." She says with a big smile and I nod to her and say hey. She then turns back around seeing as though I don't really feel like talking.

Just then I see her. I see the traffic light girl.

She walks in and takes a look around. She then sees the professor and offers a small smile as she introduces herself. The professor then points to the back where I am, then I realized there is an open desk beside me. She walks down the row, her hair swooshing from side to side as she makes her way towards the back. She sits in the seat beside me as I try not to be noticed but I can't help but look at her. Her presence being so close to mine disconcerted me. She looks over at me and gives me a small smile and I nod her way, why did I do that? I have no clue.

The professor then starts our class. We all get on our computers, I see that traffic girl don't have one. She raises her hand so gracefully and the professor calls on her. "Yes Marianna?" He says. Finally I know her name. It fits her perfectly, bitter and grace. Seeing as though she looks like she has no care in the world; bitter. She walks with confidence and does it so swiftly; grace.

"I don't have a computer sir." She says as she looks kind of down. She probably didn't know we need any computers seeing as if this is a psychology class about studying peoples minds and not a computer software.

"Jace, may she share with you today?" The professor ask me. "Yes, that's fine sir." I say with my signature nod. I hear Chrissy chuckle and she looks back and turns around and chuckles again.

She slides her desk over and mutters a thank you. She doesn't look too happy or confident anymore. I can see the rage in her eyes knowing that Chrissy was laughing at her. She breathes calmly and unclenches her fist. "Sorry." She says looking at me then looking back at the computer, but there's nothing on there to look at so obviously she seemed to not want to talk about what just happened.

"It's okay, no need to be sorry, you did nothing wrong." I say with a half smile as I see her lighten up a little bit after she hears my words. "I'm jace." I say turning to her. "I'm Marianna." She says with a shy smile. "Well it's nice to meet you Marianna, I hope you enjoy it here." I say as I turn back around and start my computer again. "Thank you." I hear her say as she looks at me again, her eyes so mysterious. Being in psychology and know about the human mind I can tell by the way she looks at the world. In a way I can tell that her world was destroyed, not yet do I know how or why it was but I can only tell.

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