chapter 7

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Aniya: no, there is no way I'm doing that, I am not going to take a bunnies heart to activate the reactor, so you can go to a make belive anime world.
Reyna: oh yes you are, but feona is going to cut it and take the heart out for me.
Feona: whaaaaat
Reyna: ya heard me, here is the bunny I cough it in my yard when I was collecting leaves, I already have it on knock out gas.
Aniya: you must hate me
Reyna: hahaha
Done cutting the poor rabbits heart out
Aniya goes and pukes in the bathroom
We set the hear in the reactor
Night time
Reyna: ok guys let's go and hit the anime world, and have some fun.
Feona: I have the plhatonlium, let's light this suckered
Aniya: oh no
Reyna: here we go
It's like a rainbow going through to anime land, like space and paint.
It took us about 10 minutes to get there, and aniya was screaming the whole time we were going, I'm surprised she didn't pass out or something lol.
Reyna's pov
We woke up in jello and looked at our hands, we were awesome looking, like from a Japan cartoon or something.
Aniya was eating the jello like a mad woman.
Don't forget if we die in the anime world, we die in real life, so we must be careful and try not to be mean to the rude people.
I told aniya not to mention the bible here because most anime shows are meant not to talk about it.
She was like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat at first, but she said she wouldn't ( she will probably though, knowing her).
Feona was cheering with joy that it worked, she even did a back words flip 5 times in a row, we finally made it to the anime world, time to start out adventure.

anime friends , by ReynaWhere stories live. Discover now