The End of My Tale

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After homecoming, I was sucked into the popular crowd, with much thanks to J. I discovered that J was a part of that crowd, and had been since middle school. I spent lots of time with people I used to hate, but I realized that they were very much like me. I kept my edgy style, making it a bit more feminine, and some of the girls adopted it too.

I became Queen Bee, the most popular girl in school, liked for her looks and her mind.

Junior year ended with a bang. I sent out the last of my college applications. I found out soon after that J had applied to most of the same schools, and a few surrounding as well, just in case.

Senior year, J and I spent even more time with each other and our friends. J finally told me that he didn't want to tell me he was popular because he didn't want to ruin anything, which is why he played the new kid. I have to say, it was a very effective tactic.

University responses came back, and we decided on a school. Our friends are in the next state over, so we keep in touch. We all helped each other pack up out stuff and say goodbye to our rooms when we left. We threw a party in July before we all left for our schools. We cried and laughed and did stupid stuff. We promised that we would Skype each other as often as we could. So far, our plan has worked out very well.

Classes start next week. New chapter of my life, new me.

See to it that you don't make the same mistakes I did. Though my mistakes don't stand out now, if you read this letter again they will make their prescence known. Sure, it all ended well, but that doesn't mean that there was a major possibility that it would fail.

So, young freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and maybe even a few seniors, take life with a grain of salt and don't let life overwhelm you.

Oh, and don't judge a book by it's cover. What you find inside may change your life forever.


Emi White

Signed, Emi WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now