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I'm not really sure how I got home but, when I woke up I was tucked into my bed tightly. I looked at my phone; checking the time seeing that it was only 8:30 at night. I could tell the sun had just gone down. I groaned getting out of my bed, I instantly regretted it. My feet were fucking cold.

"Lauren, you have a vistor!" My mom yells bursting through my room, leaving the door wide open.

"That was so disrespectful." I mumble sitting on the edge of my rubbing my eyes.

She laughs at me. "You'll do the same when you have kids one day."

I stood up and streched. "Speaking of kids," I yawned. "Where are your other kids? I feel like they're never around."

"More like you're never around. " She rolled her eyes, "Chris and Taylor are in bed where they should be. They were out all day at a beach party. One that you were invited to."

I shrugged. "I don't recall."

"Hm, I wonder why." She scoffed. "Anyways, Normani is downstairs waiting on you."

I nodded. "Tell her I'll be there in a minute."

She didn't say anything, she just walked away leaving my room door open.

"How fucking rude."

"Watch your language Lauren Michelle." I could hear her yelling from the end of the hallway.

"Watch your language." I mimicked. I sighed walking over to my closet. I stood there staring at the clothes. I don't really see why is it so hard for girls to just choose an outfit. Most of the time, I don't even wear pants. If you find a shirt long enough, you're good.

"Don't you think it's about time you came out of the closet?"

I turned around, Normani was standing there giggling.

I rolled my eyes, "Very funny." I grabbed an old shirt and a pair of jeans from my closet. I didn't mind changing in front of Normani, it's not like she hasn't seen anything before. I'm just extremely comfortable around her.

"Why were you out last night? By yourself?"

"I just wanted to, okay."

She let out a deep sigh, "You can't just go off by yourself and expect no one to not notice. Your mom was worried sick about you."

"Mani, I just went out for a walk..it's not that big of a deal-"

"It is, Lauren. Jesus Christ!" She yelled. "Somebody could have hurt you."

"They didn't, alright."

I know that she's right, a blind man could see that but I just don't want to be pinned up in my house all day. Sometimes I want to go out and experince things; without Normani. She shouldn't feel obligated to watch me like I'm some kid. Every since we were kids she's protected me from anything bad.

"I'm just worried about you. I mean you know how people--"

"You don't have to remind me, I get it. I know that I put my life in danger by going by myself. I know that I could have gotten hurt again but, Mani I didn't and I met a nice girl."

She gave me this incredulous look, she gently closed the door to my room. She buried her face in the palms of her hands; she started laughing hysterically. If I didn't know her I probably would have assumed she was on drugs. "Are you fucking high right now? What do you mean you 'met a nice girl'?"

"I met somebody that's all."

"You don't meet people Laur. What if-"

I took a deep breath and let it go. "I appreciate you wanting to protect me Mani, I really do but we're getting older. Soon enough you'll be in New York and where will I be? Right here. I don't want you feeling responsible for me. You don't need me always dragging you down."

She shook her head, "Is that what you think? That I feel like you're a burden?"

I honestly don't know what to say. I can't apologize for how I feel about something--it's just not me. Especially with Normani, I mean I can't lie. "Look, you have a life. You have other friends, I mean you're always busy now--I don't mind I'm happy for you. Just worry about yourself sometimes."

Normani's facial expression slightly changed. It softened up a bit. "I know but, who's going to worry about you," She throws her arm over my shoulder, pulling me closer tightening her grip."When I kill you."

"Mani..I..uhm..you're kinda cutting off my oxygen buddy." I laugh breathlessly.

"I know." She growls.


Normani she let of me, "You're my sister. I watch out for you. It's what I do."

"Don't you mean brother." I chuckled. "I'm a freak.."

I knew that's what she really wanted to say but, Normani has always done her best not to. I guess it's to protect my feelings.

She sighed, "You're not a freak. You're a human being Lauren. Anyone who thinks otherwise is probably angry with themselves for some reason. It's not you. I accept you for who you are..inside. Not what you look like on the outside."

"It was easier then, right?"

She shrugged, "For you in a way but, you weren't happy Lauren..."

I nodded.

"What's this really about? If you wanted to talk about the past--"

"When you're gone, who's going to look after me?" I whispered. "Who's going to come rescue me from everything that goes wrong in the world. Mani, you're all I have."

"I'm not going anywhere, I'll always be-" Normani's phone started playing White Iverson by Post Malone; I'm not sure why that was her ringtone. "Hold on, I gotta take this.."

The conversation wasn't very long, whoever it was; was a girl and Normani just couldn't say no to. She tried her best to. I wasn't eavesdropping, it's my room.

"The girlfriend called.."

"Yeah.." Normani laughed. "She had this crazy idea that we should all go out to a house party tonight."

"Sounds nice." I said, sitting down in the chair that was near by. "I hope you have a great time.

"Yeah, I will." She smiled. "So will you."

I shook my head. "No."

"Yes," She nodded with a devilish grin. "Your bags are already in the car. So--"

"Mani!" A voice bursted throughout my room along with a stranger. The girl tackled Normani.

I'm the only person who should be calling her that.

"Dinah! Get out." Normani mumbled under the girl.

"Fine." The blonde girl pulled herself away from Normani. "I hope it's okay your mom let us in. We said we were friends of..." She girl stopped talking and just starred at me for a moment. "I know you.."

"You were drunk off your ass, I'm surprised you do." I replied.

"Dinah, you can't just go into someone's room uninvited." My eyes glanced over to the girl. "Lauren?"


"Magical creature!" Dinah pointed at me. "Now I remember. You were the goddess Camila won't shut up about from last night."

"That was you?" Normani asked.

"Surprise.." I mumbled, awkwardly scratching the back of my neck.

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