The beginning of everything

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Alex whined, resting his head against the rack of pink dresses. The shelf was Covered in pink dresses of different shades, the rack that Alex was at had baby pink dresses with a violent pink sash. The top half was covered in violet glass beads.
' They dont have my size!' he cried. A soft chuckle echoed behind him. He turned to glare at the voice. The voice of course was his best friend, Ryan, who was playing the hero by looking through pink dresses for the perfect size.

Alex and Ryan couldnt be more different. Alex,who was male by birth but preferred to be called
female, was short, dark skinned, light browned hair that when to just below his shoulder blades. Ryan on the other hand looked like a twilight vampire, tall very pale and military short black hair that was dusted blonde. Ryan had been born a girl but much preferred to called a male. Her left ear was decked in earings, a rebellion of sorts.

' Here, this is your size and should fit. It looks nice, doesnt it?' Ryan asked looking to Alex, whos eyes lit up.
' it's perfect' he squealed grabbing the dress. Ryan rolled her eyes but followed anyway. Standing outside the dressing rooms waiting for Alex, Ryan started texting the girl from last night who had given her number after a drink or two.

'I prefer when you're paying attention to me' stated a voice. Ryan turned and smiled at Alex who had a fake pout on.
'Sorry, you got everything you wanted? ' she asked 'Ready to go?'
Alex nodded and led the way to the tills allowing Ryan to pay because she insisted. Their journey to the car was interrupted by two handsome men dressed in tailored suits.
"Are two Alex and Ryan?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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