Chapter 1: Running

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In this, no one is married and Gerard is 25 :)


I clung the shirt tightly to my body that, just moments ago, had famous hands all over it. I found a bench and sat down, admiring each and everyone of the signitures. I ran my fingers over the cursive names that were freshly written in Sharpie.

"Hey!" I heard someone call. My head snapped up to see a guy, just feet away from me, with a knife. He inched towards me, causing me to clutch the shirt, get up and run. As I ran, I heard the stranger's footsteps behind me. I found an allyway and sprinted down it, taking every turn to try to shake this guy.

Soon, his footsteps disapeared and all I could hear was my heartbeat in my ears but I kept going. I found a random bus and ran up to the door, pulling on it... locked. I looked up and noticed an open window.

I jumped up and was just able to grip the window with my fingers. I used all of my upper body strength to pull myself up and into the bus. I rolled off the couch and onto the floor, my muscles aching. I sat up and looked around to see it belonged to a band of some type.

I suddenly heard voices outside of the bus and the door handle started to jiggle. That is when my heart stopped. I sprinted to the bunks and dove into the closest one to me. I climbed under the blankets and pushed myself against the wall, trying to make myself as small and flat as possible.

"What the hell is this shirt doing here?" Asked a familiar voice. That's when I noticed that I didn't have my shirt, great.

"Whatever, I'm going to bed." Said another familiar voice, the door to the bunks opening. Shit, shit, shit, please don't let this be your bunk. I heard the curtain  to the bunk I was in open and I froze. I held my breath and waited to get busted, to get scolded.  I felt the bed sink as the man climbed in, the sound of the curtain closing sounding louder than ever. He moved a bit before his arm fell on me.

"What the fuck?" Before I knew it, the blanket was pulled off my head and I was face to face with none other than Gerard Way. He screamed and jumped out of the bunk, landing on the one across from his. I quickly crawled out of the covers and sat on the bunk, tears forming in my eyes.

"Gerard, are you OK?" The other guys asked, runninng in.

"I...I don't know." He said, sitting on the edge of the bunk he jumped into.

"Well, wha-woah." Mikey said as he looked into Gerard's bunk to find me.

"Whoo the hell are you?" Frank asked. That's when the tears started. Gerard sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me. I turned my body and cried into his shoulder, his arms wrapping tighter around me.

"I'm so sorry." I sobbed.

"Well, just calm down and tell us why you're in our bus." Ray said, placing his hand on my knee. I squeezed my hands between Gerard and I, wiping my eyes and taking a deep breath. I told them everything, beginning to end, leaving their jaws hanging wide open.

"Oh!" Mikey exclaimed, getting up and running out to the lounge, coming back a few seconds later. "So, is this your shirt?" He asked, holding my signed shirt, that I had dropped earlier, out to me. I just giggled and took it from him with a nod.

"Yeah, thanks. I guess I dropped it when I heard you guys." I said, dropping the shirt into my lap.

"So," Gerard started. "Did your parents bring you or-"

"I drove myself." I said. "I'm 21." They all nodded.

"Oh yeah, what's your name?" Frank asked.

"Esther." I replied with a smile. "Well, I guess I should get going, let you guys get your sleep." I said, standing up and taking a step towards the door to the bunks.

"NO!" Gerard yelled a little too eagerly, gripping my wrist. I turned around as she backed away. "I-I mean, it's not safe out there, this is a bad area of town. At least let us follow you home, as creepy as that sounds..." He said, holding his hands close to his body.

"Umm, sure I guess." I shrugged, continuing to walk to the door.

"Can I walk you to your car?" I just turned and smiled.

"That'd be great Gerard." I said as I opened up the bus door. He followed me out and we walked in silence around the front of the building, across the empty parking lot to my car. I unlocked m car and opened up the door, my eye catching Gerard who was just standing awkwardly.

"Would you like to ride with me Gerard?" I asked with a chuckle, leaning on my car door. He nodded with a shrug and made his way to the passenger side. I tossed my shirt into the backseat, slipped into my seat and turned on the car. I closed my door and buckled my seatbelt as Gerard got in. I backed out of the space and signaled for the bus to follow me. Once we were on the road, Gerard decided to speak.

"So, how did you get into our bus?" He asked with a chuckle, looking over at me.

"I found a bus, grabbed onto the open window and pulled myself up and in." I said with a shrug like it was the easiest thing ever. His eyes widened and I giggled. "What?"

"Just... you don't look like you'd have the upper body strength to pull yourself from the ground and through a window." I looked down at my arms and shrugged.

"Hidden muscles." I laughed with a wink, causing him to laugh as well. "God this is unreal. In case you didn't know, you're my favorite band."

"I can tell by the way you got into our bus." He laughed, causing me to glare at him. He put his hands up in surrender with a smile. "Kidding, kidding." He said, chuckling. "But that's really cool man, thanks." I nodded. We eventually made it to my house, the bus parking on the curb.

"Hey, this might sound weird but... can I get your number? I'd really like to keep in touch." He said, showing his phone.

"Wow, sure." I said with a smile, exchanging phones with him. I put my number in his contacts and handed it back to him, recieving my phone as well. We both got out and he walked me up to my door.

"Well, I guess this is bye for now?" I nodded. "Can I get a hug?" He asked, opening up his arms. I smiled and nodded.

"Of course Gerard!" I said, hugging him tightly. We broke after a minute, allowing me to find my house key and unlocking the door. "Bye." I said with a wave and a smile as I stepped into my house.

"Bye." He said, waving as I closed the door.

This has to be a dream, this cannot be real.


EstherSutton is Esther (obviously)

Esther ------------->

I'm Not Okay (I Promise)--------------------->

Cover made by LooneyLunaVengeance I LOVE IT <3

Should I continue?????


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