I'm Not Milk

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This is a fan fic based off of Expiration Date, a story by MikaelaBender please go read her book, This'll probably make more sense if you do. Also it's just a really good book.

No track for this chapter, although I'll probably have some for other chapters.

"People shouldn't expire, we're not milk, people shouldn't be treated like that." That's what she'd had drilled into her head ever since she was little, ever since her parents died and she became an orphan. She plugs her headphones into her phone and goes to youtube. She feels like listening to Fall Out Boy today. She waits for the ad to finish and then slides her phone into her pocket and walks into the training area. Immortals starts playing, that's what she'll become when she takes down the society. She won't just be a forgotten orphan any longer, she'll be remembered as the person who ended the crappy society and changed the U.S. Forever.

*She spends the next two hours training*

She walks out of the training area and heads to the showers. She's stopped by Joe, one of the leaders of the orphanage. "Mira, how was your training session?" He asks. "It was great, I did perfectly as always" She responds feeling slightly proud herself. "Mira, after you shower we'd like to speak to you." Joe says before walking away. "What's that about?" Mira wonders curiously, before heading off to shower.

*She gets cleaned up and heads into Joes office*

"Hey Joe" She greets him as she sits down. "Mira, good, you're here. Me and Hannah have been talking and we've agreed that you need to leave. We're kicking you out." Mira is shocked, she's lived here since she was 5. "But why? I'm only 17, what did I do to get kicked out?" She begs. "Calm down Mira, we'll explain everything." Hannah says..

Authors Note, I might change some of the names. Not sure yet.

Also, sorry for this part being so short, but I hope you guys'll enjoy reading it.

Also, I'm happy to receive any feedback anyone has. I'm trying to improve myself and feedback helps me do that.

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