The Pea Boy

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The September morning air chills my face as Donna and I walk to school for our second day of eighth grade.
"I think I'm gonna say hi today." Donna says.
I look up from my shoes, admiring how my feet know how to move and when to turn, and stare at her.
"Donnie, you say hi everyday..." I say, confused about what she means.
"No, I mean to that one boy that I pointed out yesterday!" she says, playfully punching my arm.
"Pea Boy?" I say in disbelief.
"Yes. Pea Boy." She replies, puting annoyed emphasis on his made-up name.
I shake my head, smile, and bring my attention back to the amazing technology that is my feet, as we continue our trek to school.

It's the same boring day at the same boring school. The same paint chipped, ancient walls and the same Mrs. Bore-ison.

Lunch comes around and Donna seems restless. She's wiggling in her seat and can't stop staring at Pea Boy. Disgusting.
She sighs loudly and rests her chin on her hands.
"Donnie, stop." I order, beyond annoyed.
"Stop what?" She asks in the same distracted tone as yesterday.
"Being weird. This isn't normal Donnie behavior and you and I both know it."
Her eyes follow something I refuse to look at. I realize her eyes are getting wide. She takes her chin off of her hands and awkwardly looks away.
"What now-" I scoff, turning around.
I nearly elbow the kid in the hip.
"Woah!" He exclaims.
"Uh, sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"No, no, it was my fault," he cuts off. He lightly hits his head with his palm in an oh-my-god-I-forgot kind of way."should've been more careful."
He gave a small wave and went the other direction, back to his table.
"Disgusting." I mutter as I pick up my tray to clear it.
When I come back to the table, Donna is shaking madly.
"Are you okay?" I ask uncertainly.
"He totally was trying to say hi to us!" She almost screams.
"Chill out. He just forgot what he came this way for and went back. No big deal." I conclude, giving her a disappointed look. Why does she care about this so much?

The bell finally rings to end this boring school day. As I walk out of the door to the outside world, my eyes take a minute to adjust to the blinding sun. I shield my eyes from the sun and look for Donna.
She's slouched against a tree, talking to Pea Boy. Honestly, I didn't think she had the guts to actually talk to him.
I found a tree for myself and sat on the ground, resting my back on the trunk. I try to look busy so no one approaches me, so I pull out my phone. I text Donna and ask where she is, pretending to be oblivious of her flirting off in the distance.
I see her check her phone and type something. I get a text that says "Tree, with PB."
Assuming "PB" is Pea Boy, I decide to walk up to them.
"Hey, Donnie." I say with a small trace of enthusiasm.
"Hi!" She replies excitedly.
I awkwardly motion towards Pea Boy. "Who's your friend?"
"Oh! This is-"
"Bradley." He finishes, extending his hand.
As I shake his hand I pretend to just now remember where I've seen him before.
"Hey you're the klutz from lunch, right?" I say with an ugly smile.
"Sure am." He laughs. "And your name is?" He asks, still holding my hand. Disgusting.
I quickly take my hand back and tell him my name, not allowing my hand to touch any other part of me, determined that it's diseased now.
"Pleased to meet you." He says, paying no mind to my rude disgust.
"We should get going, Donnie." I say while staring at Bradley in tame surprise.
"Oh right, we have to go. Nice to meet you, Brad!" She waves and we're on our way.
I look back and he's getting on a yellow school bus. Route 158.
I find myself repeating 158 in my head the whole way home, unintentionally ignoring every word Donnie uttered and just agreeing with everything she said.

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