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I woke up with this aching feeling in my stomach and a major headache.

"Good Morning I made you breakfast." Grayson said in a soft voice laying down besides me. "Thanks." I smiled placing the plate of bacon and pancakes onto my lap. Why am I here, first of all how did I get here. I didn't drink last night but for some reason it was all a blur.

"Grayson what happened, last night?" I asked and his eyes welded with worry. "oh uh nun just Ethan and Austin kinda got into it-it's fine now."

Footsteps came upon the door and there stood Ethan with a bruise along his cheek and a black eye, but he still stood there with a delicate smile.

"I'll go..." Grayson said patting Ethan's shoulder before exiting the room.

All I remember from last night was going to the party, Austin handing me a drink and walking to a room with him and some other small moments like walking out of the house with Grayson carrying Ethan.

"What happened to your face Ethan? Who did that to you." "uh I ran into a wall." Ethan said looking down. "a wall? really." I know for sure thing a wall couldn't have done that to Ethan.

I finished Grayson's delicious pancakes and bacon and walked downstairs with the plate and fork. "You can just put it in the sink." Grayson said getting up from the couch. "Was it good?" "very." I smiled.

"Is Ethan okay he seems very, I don't know uh quiet."

"He's fine." Grayson said reassuring me.

I walked up the stairs planning to see Ethan where I left him but he wasn't there.."Ethan?" "Hello?"
where the heck could he have possibly went. "Up here!"

I walked to his room feeling a slight breeze from the window, which was open. Looking out there was a ladder up to the roof.

I climbed up to the roof noticing my window all the way open and Ethan Grant Dolan. "Hey." I smiled carefully walking over to Ethan. "you found me." He said taking my hand. My mind was telling me to smile but all I could do was worry.

Im not stupid. I have something planned for Austin...

Stalker// dolantwinsWhere stories live. Discover now