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Hey everyone!!! This chapter is dedicated to my dear friend, hockeyreader1924!!! She just threw up a new story, her first in a while. It's called On Top of the World, and features Greg Campbell of the Bruins. It's going to be amazing and original, and is only one chapter in. Do me a huge favor, spread the love and add it to your reading list!! She's an amazing writer and an awesome person :)

And thank you all for reading!!! <3333


“Damn Segs, you must have had some really wild sex last night.”

Tyler glanced over at Milan, who was eyeing him with suspicion. He continued lacing up his skates, trying to hide the fact that he was about to explode and scream out the news to the entire locker room.

“What makes you say that?”

“Dude, your emotions are written all over your face. I don’t think I’ve seen you look like that since… well, ever.”

He took his time responding, not sure exactly how he was going to tell him.

“I’m assuming things are going well with the Mrs.?”

Tyler nodded his head and lowered his voice. “Remember that conversation we had, at your party back in July?”

He’d captured Milan’s full attention. “Yeah, I do.”

“Listen,” he began, scanning the room to make sure no one would overhear. “We aren’t telling anyone yet – “

“She’s pregnant,” Milan whispered, verifying Tyler’s reasoning behind asking him. He always knew exactly what was going on, and valued discrepancy like no one else on the team.

A grin broke out on his face, confirming Milan’s statement. “I needed to tell someone,” he said. “I’m going crazy holding it in.”

Milan’s strong hand came down hard on his back. “I’d give you a hug right now, but I think the guys might catch on. I’m really happy for ya, Segs. Nicki must be ecstatic.”

“Honestly, I think I’m more excited than she is,” he admitted, looking down at his lap. Besides Nicki, no one knew just how badly he wanted children.

“You always manage to surprise me, man. I have to say, when you got drafted, I thought you were a little shit. I didn’t ever see you growing up. You really proved me wrong.”

The goofy, jubilant grin remained on Tyler’s face. “You should give yourself some credit for that. If you and Marchy didn’t go behind my back and set up that game night, I’m not sure I ever would have gotten my shit together.”

A laugh shook his burly shoulders and he sat forward. “Sure, I’ll take some credit. Does that mean you owe me?”

“I guess. Why do I feel like you’re gonna be cashing in on that?”

“Ah, because I am, Seggy. Since you’re so keen on having a bunch of mini-me’s running around, would you mind watching mine for a night? We really need a break.”

Tyler chuckled and stood up, ready to head out onto the ice. He held out a hand to help Milan up, keeping his sprained ankle in mind.

“We could do that,” he said, no longer shy about being around kids. “Just tell me when.”

Milan accepted his offer and took his hand. “There’s kinda this concert she wants to see tonight… is that too soon for you?”

He’d been hoping to have a romantic night celebrating with Nicki, but he couldn’t bring himself to refuse.

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