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*Beep Beep Beep*

*Yawn* I read the clock on my nightstand, 6:30 am. Ughhh, whatever I need to get up for work. Getting out of bed in my mismatching pajama I put on my fuzzy slippers and head out to the kitchen where I see my brother and his fiance already up and ready.

"Morning' Princess ." My brother Rob says giving me a side hug with one arm holding a mug of coffee in the other.

"Morning Robbie." I reply "How are you two already up?"

"Well, we just are." He replies smirking

I make a face at him and then go over to the stove where David is making breakfast.

"Daviiieeeeeeee what's cookin!" I exclaim

David gives me a "are you serious?" type look and then says,

"One don't call me Davie, I've told you that. And two use your eyes."

Taking a look at the stove I see eggs and bacon. It's probably turkey bacon and some kind of special eggs. My brother is very health conscientious so usually the food is organic and stuff. I'm surprised he hasn't moved us to a farm yet. I look back to David and say,

"Food. Okay. Cool."

After a few minutes the food is all ready and we sit down at the table to eat. We get caught up in one of our morning chats where I would mess with David, and Robbie would mess with me and we end up laughing and having a great time. That is until Robbie looks at his watch and says,

"Oh man I got to go or i'm going to be late for work."

"I still can't believe you haven't switched jobs yet. I mean after the fire..." I remark

"(y/n) it's the only job I have. Now I have to go see you later." He says kissing the top of my head.

"I better get going too. Never know what crime will happen today." David says "Bye (y/n) see you later."

"Bye." I say them both as they walk out the door.

I'm now left alone. It's just me, myself and I in this empty apartment. Hating the silence of the place I put on some music and then go get changed out of my pajamas and into some work clothes. When I finish getting ready I make myself some hot chocolate and head out the door and on my trek to Central City Picture News where I work as the newspaper's food critic. Today will be a great day, I just know it.

(A/N: I'm sorry it's short. It is the beginning tho. I promise the chapters will get longer as the story progresses. Kay luv you!)

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