Here and Now

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Emma's POV

It's been five years Since Emory was born, five years since Regina killed Zelena and Black Beard.
Not much has happened, sure we got rid of a few problems for StoryBrooke, but let's be honest this place always has a problem.
Emory is now five years old. Killian and I are more happy than ever. My family is finally warming up to him. "I knew they would." Henry loves him!
He calls him Dad now. Every time he says it, it warms my heart.
Also Henry is now nineteen years old

I sit on my bed reading a book when I hear,

"Emma!" Someone yells from downstairs.

"Ya!" I yell back.

"Where did you put the cinnamon?" I hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

"I don't know it should be in there somewhere." I go back to reading my book.
Killian comes in the room and sits on the bed.

"Love, you're always moving the cinnamon." He says with a smirk.

"I know, because I always find a better place for it." I say sarcastically.
He rolls his eyes and smiles.

"Fine, I will go find it myself." He gets up and goes down stairs.
I mark the page in my book and get up. I head down stairs, I see Killian looking in every cabinet, Henry on the couch playing games.

"Morning, Mom." Henry pauses his game and turns around.

"Good morning." I walk over to the island and sit down.
As I soon as I sit down I hear a scream,

"YES!" Killian looks a a small can labeled "Cinnamon".
"Finally! Swan you need to keep this in th same place." He looks over at me raising his eyebrow.

"Yes, yes I know." I roll me eyes he just smiles at me. I smile back.
He makes up his hot chocolate with cinnamon. 'I finally got him Hooked.'
And sits beside me.

"How did you sleep?" I ask looking at him.

"Very well! You?" He asks looking back.

"Very good." I get out of the chair and sit down on the couch with Henry.
As I sit down I hear tiny footsteps come down the stairs.

"DADDY!" A little girl screams as she runs.
I look over and see little Emory running to Killian.

"Daddy!" She screams again as she jumps into his arms.

"Hay, Em!" He reaches out his arms and catches her.
"How did you sleep?" He asks taking her into his embrace.

"Good." He replies with a big hug. He sets her down and runs to me.

"Hay sweetie." I look down at my beautiful daughter and set her on my lap.
"I herd you slept well?"

"Yes Mommy I slept very well ." She smiles at and runs to Henry.
Killian makes breakfast for all of us. We all sit down and chat. I have work at the sheriff's department and Killian has work at the docks.
After breakfast we all get ready and get in the car.
I strap Emory in and get in the passenger side seat. I've been teaching Killian to drive for the past few years and, he's doing pretty well he still doesn't understand why there are stop signs. I tried to explain to him, but he just doesn't get it. 'It's probably the pirate in him.'
Authors Note.

There ya go. The first chapter of my new book "One Life Two Realms" the third book in my "The Day it All Changed" series.
If you haven't read those yet I highly suggest you do that before reading any further. It would make a lot more since.

Please check out a new book by a very talented friend of mine. It's called "The Here and Now" by oncerin_storybrooke. Please go check it out it's amazing.

Also my friend an I are doing a collab. The book is called "The Jones Twins" it's by LivTheOncer and obviously xBlueAvenue. I truly hope tou check out the book.

Sincerely xBlueAvenue,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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