Moonstruck|Kazuma X Reader| Part 1

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"You know I love you to the moon and back right?" Those where the last words you heard escape his lips before he disappeared for what seemed like forever. "Of course I do silly and I love you to infinite and beyond! " you often thought about him and all of your memories together but all that brought was pain and misery, but what you didn't now was that he missed you too cause he really did mean what he said that day.

     *Kazuma's POV*
  I woke up from a dream, a dream that was once a reality long ago...what has it been 10, 15 years? Iv'e honestly lost count. I want to see (Y/n) again, but she probably doesn't remember me, or worse, she does but iv'e broken her heart. You see I loved (Y/n) in my past life, its the only thing I remember, I guess you cant forget true love no matter what. The thing is i'm now a exemplar for a god of war, i'm probably not the same as I was once before. I get dressed and decide to go for a walk in the lower relm."Veena ill be gone for a while i'm going to the near shore to run errands and go for a walk." "Ok Kazuma just be back before the meeting later tonight." I waved as I walked out of the shrine and teleported to the near shore. ' I wonder what (Y/n) is doing now' I pondered to myself, putting my hands in my pockets. It was cold today, like really cold. Cold enough to freeze a phantom.I let out a giggle at my exaggeration  I passed a coffee shop and what, or should I say who, I saw shocked me.

   *Reader's POV*
    I was sitting in my friend Touka's new coffee shop waiting for her to bring my order of a catpachino. As she arrived with my order a figure caught my eye, he was a handsome young man wearing a pair of black glasses. I felt like i had seen him before, probably on the street or at my uni.  Even though I offered him the seat next to me in my booth, he picked his very own booth saying he was waiting for someone. When I was finished with my catpachino I stopped Touka and asked for my bill. She just nodded and went on her way, I figured it was because she was limited on staff and the little coffee shop was pretty busy. When she finally arrived with my bill I left the right amount of money and in a separate pile a tip for my dear friend. The guy seemed upset that I was leaving, I went over to him and introduced myself and stated that i will be here every day for a cup of coffee, he seemed a little flustered and said his name was Kazuma and he might join me tomorrow afternoon. Feeling satisfied that he knew my name  and I knew his I left the shop and started on my way home.

    *Kazuma's POV*
   I was so nervous when I walked in, what if she remembered me and made a scene? Or maybe she wouldn't remember but she wasn't interested anymore. I was a total wreck walking in that coffee shop. She seemed to notice me, and my heart wouldn't stop pounding (doki doki) I couldn't control my blush anymore. What does this girl do to me? "Excuse me sir, ummm do you want to sit with me?" I jumped and panicked hearing that out of  (Y/n)'s mouth. I panicked and couldn't think of what to say so "Sorry i'm waiting for someone" slipped out. Instant regret. "oh no its okay..." she said. I felt a ting of pain in my chest hearing those words come out sounding so hurt, does she remember me? I sat down and ordered a cup of cocoa from the waitress, I think her name was Touka. I watched as (Y/n) stopped Touka and asked for her check. I started to panic, should i follow her? No that would be creepy, should i approach her? That seems like the best idea. Before i could get up and approach /her she walks over and and introduced her self and told me her schedule at the coffee shop, i told her my name and that i might join her tomorrow. I can feel the red creeping up to my ears as she smiles and leaves the building. 
*Reader's POV*

    I wasn't that far from the shop when it started pouring down rain, i turned around and ran the distance trying my best to stay as dry as i could. When i got to the doors of the shop i was soaked. I took cover in the shop wandering to the table Kazuma was sitting at. Thats when it hit me, 'Kazuma....Kazuma where have i heard that name before.' His name was running through my head as i was thinking of where i had heard it before. I was thinking so hard i hadn't heard him call my name.... 5 times. "(Y/n)- chan? can you hear me?" Kazuma questioned "Yeah sorry i kinda spaced out." i said with a sweat drop. "What was it you wanted to ask me?" "oh nothing much just if you remember me.." i looked at him with a puzzled expression as i pondered his name once more. Kazuma had taken his glasses off to clean them and that's when i realized  "Kazuma......" "yeah?" "when did you get back, when were you going to find and tell me, show me, give me some sort of hope that you would be back?" i said with tears staining my cheeks. "(Y/n).." "when you left to America with your family that day i didnt know what to do with myself, i felt empty without you." Kazuma looked at me with total shock. "I-I left you?" he said questioning the truth. "Yeah, how can you not remember, i cried for weeks after you told me you were going to be gone... after you said you had loved me, i still wonder sometimes if you still have feelings for me... stupid right?" "No its not because i do, i do still have feelings for you always have always will." he got up from his seat and scooted in next to me, pulling me close. "Then say it..." i murmured barely audible. "Say what, my love" Kazuma questioned. "You don't even remember do you, you obviously don't remember that you left me here to feel empty for 13 years, it was stupid for me to even ask you to say it, never mind.." "(Y/n)... i need to tell you something and you need to promise not to freak out when i do ok, i want you to believe me so please, please listen to me" "Whatever Kazuma lets just get this over with" i said this with a attitude Kazuma seemed upset about.

*Kazuma's POV*

      I looked at (Y/n) wondering if she would believe me if i tell her the truth, she doesn't even want to hear about it, am i pushing it? (Y/n) was glaring at me wanting me to speak hopefully learning something, as i sat there not even comforting her as her cheeks were still stained with tears and her eyes were still puffy. I swear she hates me. I pushed my glasses up about to speak when she get up and states "I'm leaving the silence is too much, obviously i ruined something that could have been happy for me, my loss, oh well." "please don't" i state grabbing her arm pulling her to sit back down again. "Why do you even care, you already left me once, there is no difference, only this time i am the one leaving" she spat back at me more tears rolling down her cheeks. I felt hurt by what she said. "I didn't mean to leave you alone my parents forced me, i loved you, and still do and this isn't how i remember you (Y/n).." "Well a lot can change in 13 years worth of time." i have never felt more pain in my life before, not even when i died, not even when i get the occasional blight, this wasn't on my skin, this couldn't be fixed, it was deep inside, it was in my heart. i had never felt this feeling before and i had discovered that i don't like it 'Is this how Veena felt that day?' i pondered looking back to that day, remembering that i was going to tell (Y/n) about my new life, why i left, and well, everything. "(Y/n) i need you to look at me." "I don't understand what is so important, what do you have to tell me?" she had a look that was almost like a mix between puzzled and hurt, and i caused both of those..

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