Moonstruck| Kazuma X Reader| Part 2

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*Readers POV*

I looked at Kazuma i was a little hurt that he was having trouble just telling me. Another part of me didn't want him to say anything and just leave him there all alone just like he did to me. I continued to stare until he opened his mouth and said "(Y/n), i'm dead..." with the most serious face he has had ever had i'm sure of it. I looked at him and laughed, loud and hard. Tears pricked at my eyes and i almost fell off my chair. Kazuma still had a serious face, how could he hold it that long, especially after telling me that. This wasn't like him...he wouldn't be that serious just to play a joke... Is he really dead? "If you were really dead how are you here right now Kazi?" i asked wiping the last of the tears off my face as it started to match Kazuma's. "Ill explain, and ill ask once more for you to try to believe me to the best of your abilities (Y/n)." As he was pushing his glasses up i saw a tattoo like mark on his hand, he saw me staring at it . "Ill explain this as well." he calmly stated before continuing. "I died 10 years ago, a godess named Bishamonten, or Veena, picked up my spirit and made me into her shinki, a shinki is a god's powerful weapon." he explained this as my face got more and more solemn. "I did some things i'm not very proud of, but those things helped me rank up to a exemplar." Tears threatened to fall once more, how many times is it now? 4? 5? Who knows. "I know you think this is just some joke but it isn't and i hope you believe me." "I do Kazuma, how can i not, its you after all." I looked up with tears in my eyes laughing. "(y/n) there is one thing i forgot to mention, I cant age, meaning i'm 3 years younger than you now." I looked at him blankly staring. "So what your saying is we cant really be together?" "No that's not what i'm saying, i'm saying i will stay the same age as you continue to get older, you will eventually die and i wont." his voice sounded scratchy as i saw tears stain his cheeks. "I'm sorry i left, i'm sorry i don't remember anything, i'm sorry for breaking your heart and making you cry multiple times." "I'm sorry i existed." I engulfed him in a hug softly whispering sweet nothings in his ear until he calmed down, I looked at him " You shouldn't be sorry, you should be thankful, the reason i cried so much and the reason it hurt so much was because i loved you, and i still do." "Why" he whimpered in my shoulder "I left you alone, and while i was away i died." "But that's not your fault, Kazi..." "I guess your right.." he finally gave in.

*Kazuma's POV*

I looked at the antique cat clock on the wall seeing that it was pretty late. "I need to get going (Y/n), Veena needs me in a meeting in the back up in the Farshore." "Oh great now i have to compete with a Goddess." (Y/n) teased. (Y/n) and i got up and left Re: after paying for my coffee. I walked hand in hand with (Y/n) as we approached a shrine. I gave her a quick peck on the cheek before walking up the steps."See you tomorrow Kazi?" "Of course you will, i'm not leaving you all alone ever again." "I hope so." I started to leave as bright light flashed. "Kazuma its about time, your almost late!" I turned around to see Veena running at me. "Come on Kazuma we have to go everyone is waiting." " Alright Veena i'm coming." " Whats up with you you seem to be in a better mood than before you left, meet a pretty girl?" she teased. "Yeah actually yes, I saw a old friend again, i guess we are more than friends now..." i said putting a finger on my chin. "EH?!" A look of shock crossed Veena's face. "Do tell my playboy of a exemplar." "I-It's nothing r-really just a old friend from my past.." "EH?!" she chimed in again. "HOW CAN YOU REMEMBER HER?!" "W-Well i kinda loved her back then and, i'm just guessing, i couldn't forgot our love?" "It makes sense if it were true love but you were young." "so that doesn't mean that the feelings we had weren't true, i mean she waited for me to return even though i had died.." I looked over at Veena her face now held pity and sadness "I'm sorry kazuma, i had no idea you still felt so strongly about her." We soon approached the door which held the meeting behind it. "If it is alright with you i would like to visit the Nearshore again tomorrow?" "Is it to visit her?" Veena questioned making heat rise to my face. "M-Maybe..." i retorted back the bright red spreading to the tips of my ears and neck. "I ship it and i don't even know her." "You'll have to come down and visit with me sometime when your not busy." i stated red beginning to fade. "Speaking of busy we have a vent to deal with tonight, i decided to go to kofuku's place without you, it will be near the QuickyMart just downtown." "YOU WENT WITHOUT ME!?!" "What else was i supposed to do.." "WAIT FOR ME" i yelled disrupting the meeting. "You were taking way to long, did you even pick up the herbs i wanted?" Veena questioned already knowing the answer. "A-Ah no...." "That's what i thought. now onto business." (BLAH BLAH BLAH MEETING STUFF BLAH)

*Readers POV*

I sat on a bench right outside RE: waiting for my friend to arrive to open shop. I was supposed to help her today but that changed when i got a date with Kazi. "I still can't belive your ditching me for your 'Kazi'" Touka said opening the doors to let us in. "I haven't seen him in 13 years, and you promised me you wouldn't get jealous and make a scene in YOUR coffee shop." "I wont i wont" Touka said holding out her pinkie for our usual promise. I locked my pinkie to hers as we shook our hands. I heard a soft bell chime, i turned around to find Kazuma standing there with flowers and chocolate, face, neck, and ears aflame. "Well hello my Kazi" "H-Hello (Y/n)." he pushed the flowers and chocolate at my direction. I took them and pointed to the booth we shared yesterday "Wanna go sit?" "Y-Yeah" he said stuttering. "You don;t have to be nervous, it's just me, Kazi." i said slightly giggling. "S-Sorry it's just your'e pretty, and intimidating." I blushed at the compliment. Touka came over to our boot and asked our orders. "Ill have just black coffee please." "Wow Kazi your'e so formal, ill have the catpatchino please extra cats, you know how i like it." "Ok it will be just a minute." Touka said as she bowed. When our coffee arrived i dived right into my cup gulping down 1 of my extra cats. "Slow down (Y/n)-chan you'll burn your tongue!" "Your such a mom Kazi" "A-am not.." he denied. "You so are!" Touka agreed from behind the counter. "W-whatever.." Kazuma said pouting.


*Kazuma's POV*

I finished my coffee, (Y/n) noticed that and asked if i wanted another cup. "A-ah no i'm good." A frown decorated (Y/n)'s features as she called Touka over anyways. "Kazi would like to try a small catpatchino please." "Oh into cats are we?" Touka teases. "I-I guess i am." "Manly." My face got red as (Y/n) slipped my hand into hers, it was warm. I looked up to see a almost evil smirk on her face. "K-a-z-i~~" she whispered. "W-what?" i replied my face getting redder. "I Love You~~" she said "I Love You too (Y/n)." She looked at me surprised. "Y-You didn't stutter that time." "Of course not, i'm sure that i love you." A sudden burst of red covered her cheeks, and i couldn't help but smile. My catpatchino arrived and (Y/n) pushed it to me so fast it almost spilled. "Take a drink Kazi i think you will like it" you looked so happy and innocent. "O-ok." I took a sip of the hot beverage almost burning myself. "Do you like it?" (Y/n) asked "Yeah actually its quite sweet." "I knew you would like it!" i smiled as she hugged me, once again almost spilling it. We finished our coffee and payed for it saying goodbye to Touka on our way out the door. We interlocked our fingers swinging our arms as we walked home. (Y/n) hummed a soft tune making me smile. as we reached her front steps i gave her a quick peck on the lips and let go of her hand. she was about to close the door when i said "(Y/n)...." "Yeah Kazi" "I think i've been moonstruck by you...." heat ran to my cheeks once more. "What do you mean Kazi?" "I feel all warm inside when i'm around you, i can't think straight or even act normally." "Hey (Y/n), you know i love you to the moon and back right?" "......." Lets just say (Y/n) was speechless...... until she started crying, she ran to me saying "Of course you silly, of course!!" I held her in a big tight hug. When she stopped crying i kissed her, for real this time, not just a peck, a real kiss. "Bye Kazi" i still heard sniffles but that was all. "Goodbye (Y/n)." And with that i left for Veena's shrine. Waiting anxiously to return to my (Y/n), After all i was Moonstruck by her.







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