Chapter 2

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Jesy's POV

We arrived at the airport and went through security with twenty minutes before the flight left. We were all a bit tired but not enough to actually want to go for a nap in the twenty minutes. The flight flew double seats not triple, but I knew Mike would switch seats with one of our friends so he can sit with me. We all made sure we had a seat next to someone.

"Oh...Jesy...Mike brought something for you." Ben whispered in my ear after getting up from his seat and walking up to me with a smug look on his face. "What?" I asked clueless. "Condoms." He said and wiggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at him playfully pushing him. "Shut up Ben, let's be mature eighteen year olds here and not joke about that." He shrugged his shoulders. He knew I wasn't being serious. I will always be a semi child. He took the seat next to Miley and Fletcher as they were talking to each other.

The seats we were sitting on are near our flights terminal to enter the plane. I was sitting next to Mike with my head on his shoulder. "Who has seat a-5?" Mike asked. A-6 was my seat so he wanted to switch, I knew. "Me." Jacob said all of a sudden. No. Of all people.

"So we'll be switching seats." Mike said, and it wasn't a question it was a statement. "I'm not switching, my name is on my ticket." He was stubborn and I knew that but I am the reason he's here in the first place. "Jacob, just switch with Mike." I simply said to him. "No." He stomped his foot making me jump. I turned to Mike and gave him a sincere look.

"Flight 7 now boarding," the speaker lady spoke. Class A got up and started boarding. Jacob was the first of us on, he wasn't gonna switch. I threw Mike a look of worry. "Don't worry." He put his hand on the small of my back. We were on the plane. I don't like planes when they take off, once we're in the air I'm fine though. I sat down in the window seat that Jacob left for me and glance across the rows to where Mike was sitting, he is to the back right of us, he can't see me but he can see Jacob. Mike was everything to me. I don't think he realized how much he meant to me. I liked him for a long time and it took a few years to get things right but we just got our relationship stable.

"Hey." Jacob's voice pulled me from my thoughts of Mike. "Hmm," I mumbled for him to know I acknowledged him existing and sitting by him. "Why didn't you let Mike sit with me?" I asked him. I was a little annoyed. "Because, we are friends and I wanted to sit by you," he explained like it was the best reason in the world. "Ok..." I didn't feel like talking and the flight attendants were walking around and explaining things on the speaker, so I just put on my headphones and started music.

About a quarter of the way through the ride, I was watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on my laptop when I felt a hand on my thigh. I look over at Jacob and he smiled at me. I didn't think much of it. Jacob was a pretty friendly person. It surely was nothing.

Half way through the flight was around the time of the movie when Harry was going into the maze of the triwizard tournament and I was into the movie, that was until my skirt was being pushed to the side and my eyes went wide.

My head immediately shot up and I
looked at Jacob. "No..." I pushed his hand away. "Yes..." He put it back. I shook my head and pushed it away. He tried to put his hand back but I stood up and decided to go to the bathroom. I could switch seats with Ben... He's sitting next to Mike, I thought. I looked over at Ben and he was dead asleep. There goes my alibi away from Jacob.

As I moved over Jacob, because he got the isle seat, he grabbed my ass. No.... I turned to look at him and shot him a warning look. I glanced over at Mike and his fists were clenched tight. He's jealous. That is priceless, Mike is never jealous. Well... I can tease them both, nothing serious though. I got to the bathroom and went quick, I was claustrophobic and if you've seen an airplane bathroom, you'd know they are tiny.

I got back to my seat only to have my ass grabbed again by Jacob. He just doesn't give up does he. I was sitting in my seat when I decided to tease Mike and I would useJacob to do so, after all Jacob grabbed my ass so this was revenge. I put my hand on his thigh, which took him by surprise but he smirked. He did something I never thought he would do, even for him this was a little too much, he knew Mike was my boyfriend and he pushed his hips into my hand. I pulled my hand away immediately. That's enough. I tried leaning over to see Mike but he couldn't even see what I did. I did that for nothing.

All of a sudden a grunt came from Jacob, oops, but that got Mike's attention. I was leaning over Jacob. I blushed and sat up. He was... Turned on. I decided to continue watching my movie.

This was gonna be a long flight.


When the flight landed I couldn't have been happier. I walked off with Miley, Alice and Thomas right in front of me, behind me was Ben, Jacob, Fletcher, Mike, Tim and Livvy. Of course there were other people on the plane though. We started off in New York and made our way to California. Our tour bus would be waiting for us outside. I was excited to get on the tour bus. Ours was pretty big for a tour bus, or so I've heard it was.

We made our way through the airport until we made it to the luggage department. It took awhile to find all of our bags, we had a lot of people so that meant a lot of bags.

"Common! Guys lets go!" I was jumping up and down. Mike put his hands on my shoulders to keep me from bouncing. "Slow down there, tiger." Alice, Livvy, Miley and I all linked arms and skipped to the exit with the guys behind us rolling our luggage. Sucks for them.

Ben's POV

I watched as the girls linked arms and skipped off to the exit. "We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of oz!" Livvy shouted as they skipped. I shook my head and laughed at them. "What did we get ourselves into?" Mike asked and nudged me. We looked over at Tim who was watching the girls carefully. Dad like instincts with him, you wouldn't even know he was our age half the time if he didn't look young. He was looking at one girl more than the others though.

I pushed him jokingly as if to say 'dude it's obvious' he got the hint and stopped starring at her. "Just tell her, dude," Fletcher commented on the starring. "It's obvious I don't get how she hasn't noticed." Thomas added on to what Fletcher had said. Poor Tim, we were all picking on him now.

As we got outside a giant bus was waiting for us, the girls had already made their ways on the bus. We greeted the driver as we got on and the bus was awesome! It was red and black mostly with a nice lounging section with the kitchen built in, in the front of the bus, the lounge had an Xbox and TV, than there was the bunks, obviously for sleeping, the bathroom, and as we got to the back their was another TV lounge but the couch turned into a double bed. Sweet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2016 ⏰

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