why can't see what is right in front of me?

49 5 0

September 1st.

People have come a long way . Think about it we have made phones, cars , we even farm ! OK , I know I shouldn't be too much on the humans sides since we can be really stubborn , but we are OK .
It is 12:00 in the morning and I still can't go to sleep I look out side and I see ,well I think I see something or someone outside in the woods .
I duck under the bed and hide under my covers like I think that's going to help if someone just broke into my window and took me or murdered me . then slowly went back to the window and looked out again and, thankfully saw nothing out there .

The next morning when I woke up and went to the table for breakfast
I remember what I saw , or think I saw . Hay, evermore I couldn't sleep last night and went to the window I thought I saw something
, do you know if that was just me or did I see something out of my window ? At this she looked at me . when is your birthday Winter ?
Of course I have been living with her for 4 almost 5 years and I should have expected a question like this but it still surprised me .
My birthday is on the 16th of the month . Again she does something
that shouldn't surprise me , but of course it does so I just roll with it ,she smiles .

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