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One day, long ago, I was looking at pictures of Derek Hale on Google, and I found something new. I was just scrolling through and something caught my eye. Now, I'm not going to lie here, I am a complete idiot sometimes. So I spent like three minutes, being me, just kind of staring at it. It wasn't big enough (lol!), so I couldn't see what the hell it was. Then I clicked on it to be immediately horrified. "Holy mother of fuck... WHAT IS THAT!?" I said. I looked at the picture of Derek and Stiles for only a few seconds before I had to close the tab so I wouldn't throw up. Now don't get me wrong, I am completely fine with gay relationships. I love Danny. Everyone loves Danny. I shipped Danny and Ethan big time. So like I said, I have nothing against gays, or their relationships. One of my best friends is gay. So don't even start about that.

I just absolutely cannot stand Sterek. Just the name makes me queasy. No. Just No. Nice into, yeah?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2015 ⏰

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