Chapter 1

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Usually, everyone is so excited about a new school year. Friends, Sports, Graduation. But not me, I'm the exact opposite of that. I hate everything that has to do with school. Especially the 1st day.

I'm the new girl. The one who doesn't know anyone, the one who sits at lunch alone. The person who is a freak because I'm always alone. I barley speak to anyone. Yep, that's me.

Hi, I'm Jessica. I'm 16 years old. I have Straight brunette hair, and brown eyes. I just started here at Chino Hills High School. I moved from Albuquerque, New Mexico. I moved to California with my mom, she got a new job that required her to move. I've only been in California for a few weeks and I love it.
It's so beautiful here.

That's what I hear as I'm laying in my bed, I look at my alarm clock and it reads 6:00 am. Yay, first day of school. I turn off my alarm and slowly get up out of bed. I walk over to my closet, grab a pair of ripped light washed jeans and a flannel, than hopped in the shower. Once I was done, I throw on my clothes and dry my hair. I decide to curl my hair, and put on a little bit of make-up. I check my phone and it's 6:45, I put on a pair of white converse. I grab my bag, phone, and keys and head to my car.

Once I get to school, I feel that feeling I get every single year. I get so nervous as I pull up into the parking lot of Chino Hills. I grab all my stuff, lock my car, and start heading to the school. As I walk up I see the usual groups that are at every school. Jocks, Cheerleaders, Nerds, Band. As I'm waking I have this weird feeling like someone is staring at me. I look over, and a group of guys are all looking at me. One specific one catches my eye, he  has brownish blonde hair, he's wearing a black bandana, Dark Ripped Jeans, and a stuzzy shirt. He's with a group of 5 other people. They all look terrifying. The whole group was staring at me as I was waking up to the school.

I see them start walking over to me, I immediately start walking a little faster acting like I didn't see them. These guys seem like the kind that would do bad things. I feel a hand grab my shoulder and turn me around. When I look up, it was him. He looked like the leader of the group, the one that everyone was scared of, someone who no one ever argued with. I look up and he flashes me a smile, and says "Hi.." I start to get nervous. "H-Hey..." "My name's Jc, and these are my friends Kian, Connor, Sam, Ricky, and Trevor. What's your name?" "M-My names Jessica.." "That's a pretty name." Ricky says. They were all very attractive, especially Jc, wait no, I can't like him. His whole group is bad news. I can't.

The bell rings to go to 1st period, I quickly turn around and start to walk to my first period class. It's my first day of school and I'm already scared of a group of boys. Great. I grabbed my schedule and look for my 1st period room number. Room 104 Mr.Truman biology. I found my way to the classroom. I take a seat in the middle of the class. Just as the bell is about to ring for the class to start, Jc opens the door. Just what I need. It's not even 2nd period and I already know I'm gonna hate this class.. Jc starts to make his way over to me and sits right next to me. Once he takes a seat he leans over to me, "Hey Jessica, what a coinencedensce of us having the same 1st period." I just sit there trying to think of something I could say to him. I turn "Hi Jc, that's your name right?" He makes eye contact with me and smiles "yeah, that's me."
I smile back at him and start to listen to what the teacher is telling us, Finally the class ends, and I leave the room. Hopefully this day goes by really fast.



I hope you guys liked the 1st chapter, I know it's really bad but I'll try and get better as I go on. (:

This is a Jc fanfic but all members of O2L are in it. I hope you all enjoy!

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