Chapter 1

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Sleep tugs at my eyes as I try to roll out of bed. I should be excited because I'm finally starting at a new school, but I'm more scared then ever, what if I don't fit in or make new friends? I think to myself as I shuffle like a zombie to my closet, picking out a Tiffany blue flannel shirt and a black t-shirt to go underneath. Then over to my dresser to pick out a pair of light colored jeans to wear also. Quickly I hop in the shower to get cleaned up and do my morning routine, when I'm finally done getting ready I hear my mom yelling up the stairs "Skylar?! You are going to be late". I race down the stairs to tell her I'm ready to go. Then we are off to a my new school.
Once we arrived I bid my mom a goodbye and make the longest journey of my life to the front door of the building that's looming over me. I reach in my pocket for my schedule and try to find where my locker is, by time I find it the five minute bell has rang, I struggle to open it but it won't budge. Then I hear it the bell that states I am officially late on my first day of school. In frustration I hit my locker with a closed fist and mumble curse words under my breath.
Behind me somebody clears their throat, which makes me turn around quickly. There was a guy standing their had to be around my age, taller than me and had golden hair, he walks towards me grabbing my schedule and starts fiddling with my locker, he pops it open on the first try and then says
"Sorry that was probably really rude of me but I saw you struggling so I thought I'd help, I'm Dylan by the way" he flashes me a million dollar smile, and I couldn't help but to blush a little and look away.
"I'm Skylar, but you can call me Sky"
"That's a pretty name, are you new here I don't think I've seen you around"
I reply with "yeah it's my first day"
"Oh wow well how do you have for first period?"
"Mrs. Grimmer"
Another smile creeps across his face "same with me, here let me show you where our class is"
And with that I am walking with Dylan to first period.
Maybe the day won't be so bad after all.
Authors note: Hey guys! I'm sorry this first chapter is short, this is my first story that I'm publishing. I hope you guys like it.

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