II. The Big Move

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Molly's hands shook. She dropped the note and watched it spiral down like a leaf.

He knew. He knew and he was upset.

Sherlock would want to know.

She got up from the floor and picked up the note. She wanted more than anything to crumple the note up and throw it in the fireplace, and act like she hadn't read it. but she needed to keep it.

She didn't know if she should inform anyone of this information right now, or wait until the morning.

She checked the time. 8:37 P.M. It wasn't late, but would anyone want to listen right now? She could tell Lestrade, but he might be busy.

Who was she kidding? She needed to tell someone now.

She grabbed her phone out of her bag and unlocked it. She began to dial Sherlock's number when her phone began ringing. Sherlock was already calling her.

She usually dreaded these calls, always him trying to persuade her into giving him body parts. Molly always fell for it.

But she answered, for this time she needed him.

"Sherlock? I-" Molly began.

"Did you get a note?" Sherlock asked simply.

Is he physic or something? I suppose it wouldn't be a surprise if he was, he seems to know how to do everything now. Molly wondered.

"Molly?" Sherlock asked in a concerned tone.

"Oh, yes I did. Sorry I zoned out for a minute. It was from Moriarty."

"I need you to come over to Baker Street, it seems you weren't the only one who received a note." Sherlock said urgently.

"I'll be right over."

Molly hung up and hurried out the door, gripping the note tightly like her life depended on it.

Well, in this case it did.


When she arrived at 221B, several other people were already gathered in the messy living room, papers on every surface.

Mrs. Hudson, Mary, John, and even Lestrade were all there, each with their own look of concern. Moriarty hadn't overlooked anyone this time.

Molly made her way over to Mrs. Hudson and sat by her on the sofa. Mrs. Hudson gave her hand a squeeze and turned to listen to Sherlock.

"Now," Sherlock began. "You all received threatening notes from Moriarty."

"Let's begin sharing, shall we?"

John started to read his note aloud.

To the 'Best Friend',

        Hello, John!

Sherlock has caused you a great amount of grief, hasn't he? Faking his death, getting shot, that nasty Magnussen business.

I've caused you quite a lot of grief too. Gottle O' Geer, remember? I guess Sherlock has some competition!

You should already know I'm back, but you're not of much concern to me. Sherlock isn't the one you need most anymore. You have your own life with your little assassin wife. That's hurt him plenty.

                                    Be warned.

Molly suspected this wasn't the first time John read the note for Sherlock, but she saw how it still affected him.

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