23.) "I'll turn you into a warthog!"

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi everyone! I hope this chapter won't be too confusing for you all! It's a bit different from my other chapters so far. I hope you enjoy the angle I'm taking this :) Thank you all again for reading and everything! Can't believe how late I've stayed up to finish this chapter :) Anyways enjoy!!!

Dedicated to Cloud_Runner -I hope this chapter isn't too heart breaking again! Thanks for all your support and comments!


[26 years old- 8 weeks, 5 days]

Chapter 23: "I'll turn you into a warthog!"

"How come you don't have any photos?"

I said lowering my imaginary magnifying glass and peering over the top of my make-belief glasses.

"Photos honey?" She pretended to look confused; wiping her floury hands on the front of her polka dot apron, her fiery red hair violently escaping her strict nanny up-do.

"Muuuuuuum!" A voice groaned from up the stairs. "Can I come down to see Kai yet? I've done all my stupid homework!"

Stiffening at the sound of her captive rattling his chains, she looked like a cat whose tail had just been stood on- hair flaring, teeth showing, hackles up, claws out. It would have been almost comic if it hadn't been for the dark gleam of firelight in her eye that suggested otherwise.

She was hiding something. I knew it.

"Werewolves will be playing scrabble with vampires before you're finished with your homework Isaac!" The dark gleam in her eyes vanished as she laughed, rolling her eyes at me before leaning down to place some cookies onto a plate. "Which is never- this feud with vampires has been going on for millenniums! I still remember when I was younger and I saw my first vampire on werewolf fight... my mother used to-" She stopped, swallowed and straightened suddenly. "Well- that's a story for another time perhaps."

I watched as she busied herself with pouring a cup of tea, calmly dribbling the milk in and dropping in a sugar cube that bobbed around on the surface. She looked so ordinary that in that one moment I wondered if I'd dreamt it all up. The witchcraft descent, the twinkle in her eye as she seemed to read my mind, the suspiciously placed broom in the hallway, everything! It all seemed so far fetched.

But then my hand instinctively fell to my side, catching the edge of a crisp folded sheet of paper there. The DNA results. The barcodes. She was keeping something from me and I was going to find out what.

"No please go on." I leant eagerly forward onto my kneecaps and pasted an innocent smile onto my sly lips.

Ding, dong the witch is dead.

"No, it's a really long boring story. I wouldn't want to bother you with it." Her hazel eyes glowed in the light as she bit her lip. She looked me up and down. "It's truly uncanny how much you loo-"

"What's uncanny?"

"Nothing." She quickly replied. "What were you saying about photos?"

She walked around to the front of the sofa and sat down with a gentle bounce. Her smile was suddenly almost playful- like it belonged to a much younger woman. Girl-like.

"I was asking why you didn't have any around your house." I clicked my knuckles restlessly. "You know... family photos. The ones your parents force you kicking and screaming into in your Sunday best."

"Hmmm... I guess we're all just a little photo shy in this family dear! Wouldn't you like a cookie now mot-Kai?"

I shook my head angrily at her. Though her cookies did smell bewitchingly good, I refused to be the fool. Her family were not bloody photo shy! I was temped to show her all the selfies Isaac had clogged up my phone memory space with- heck he'd even managed to change my background to one of him and me and now I couldn't figure out how to change it back.

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