The day of the chicken hamock ~October 12 2015~

14 3 2

I keep getting "Shots" by Imagine Dragons stuck in my head, and I'm dying.

Hola mi amigos!
Como estás?
WELL, GOOD. I'm happy you're happy that King Pinklington is happy.

Any who, today was so easy, I died.
I aced a Spanish quiz.
I aced a Biology quiz.
I aced a sleeping quiz. ~that ones my fav
Then I just studied for another sleeping quiz.

But in the end, all of the fairies were were actually just flamingos, and we were all just special little snowflakes.

So today I started writing an unnamed Doctor Who fanfic, and I just can't think of a name for it... It has to be interesting...

"Why don't you name it "Yejvejejegejeh"?"

Good idea conscience! I might do that if I can't think of a better name... Or maybe I'll just use "Yejvejejegejeh"...

Either way, hey look, a cookie!!!


Enjoy that cookie!
Okay, I've gotta go eat foodstuffs.
Okay, bye.

HAHAHA, bye.


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