Something More

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  What is it that humans truly strive for in this world? Is it that video game you've been waiting and saving for? Is it the love of your life that you're sure will come when the forces that be direct them to you? Is it that whisper of inspiration upon the wind that will come to you as you wait, like countless others in silence? Or is it something more.

  We humans are by nature are greedy, selfish creatures, driven forward by our lust. Instruments of perfect destruction, surely to one day overtake the world in chaos and agony. But what is it that we, as one whole, wish for? What is the ultimate prize? In all accounts, no matter how pure of a soul you are, the ultimate prize in this world is the looming question of "what shall I accomplish next". There is no halt, no pause for breath to allow others to catch up, only the continued cycle of spend and gain. Such is the way of our life.

  All humans are driven by a desire for something more. Even the richest men on this Earth, the tyrannical overlords who grip order and twist its meaning, all strive for yet more riches. There is not a question of "Who could use this more" or "What constructive use could I put this money to" there is only greed, cunning, and growth.  But this is not a bad thing. It is the best thing we as a whole have ever accomplished. We are one, massive, well-oiled machine. A machine driven towards something more. We went to the Moon, we'll go to Mars, we'll fix the planet we live on, we'll reach infinity. Because it's in our nature. 

  This brings the question: "Is there a limit?" Yes. There is, but it is an ever growing one. You cannot have a two floor ceiling house without there just being one floor at first, yes? In a way, we are all slaves to our desire. We shall work, we shall gain, we shall work more, and we shall die. Such is the way of our race. But we won't give up, we won't stop moving forward, and someday eons from now we'll reach something more. But this isn't true just for humanity as a whole.

  Within our endless cycle, there exist several smaller endless cycles. Over 7 billion of them. Certain cycles aren't as smooth, some are broken, some are discarded as if they're nothing. You aren't irreplaceable, there are hundreds if not thousands IF NOT millions, that have the same dreams as you do. They have the same talents, the same cold stare or warm smile, some even have the same looks. But that doesn't mean you aren't special. No, you may not be an individual as a human, for there are only so many different types that can be made before repeats are created. But you are an individual as a soul. A being of power given passage to our Earth in human form. Make something of that gift, strive for something more. 

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Nov 09, 2015 ⏰

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