part a

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"But I love him," said the young boy,"I'd risk my life for his well being and everything about him, even if he rejects me, I will think of him, hold him close in my thoughts." My name is Riku and the boy I'm talking about his name is Alex.

My love for him started early on in the school year his fave was stunning, hair amazing, his tall body, and feminine posture, his chocolate-like skin, I craved him I need to tell him how I feel. I want to be his boyfriend but he might see different when I do tell him believe me it's difficult.

We are in high school the name of it is Washington High School we met in 7th grade he always had long hair which I thought it was cute but when he got a hair cut my lord watch out! We have a friendship but that's just it friends I wonder how he'll react when I ask him out XD but y'know it's his choice I think he'll say yes after I break him down but here's one thing I don't know is he gay, straight, or bisexual. This question haunts me I hate it I want it to go die in a hole of death but whatever


I work up the nerve to ask him out but I'm afraid how this will go I catch up to him in the hall, "Hey Alex!" I call, "I need to ask you something." Alex says, "Yeah what's up?" I say...

I love himWhere stories live. Discover now