The Personal Assistant (Short Story)

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He had a reputation in the business for being a real jackass.

Especially to women.

Specifically to the women who worked for him.

Temps barely lasted a week and all previous personal assistants were now either institutionalised, housewives or waiting tables.

As head of HR, Jeannie was desperate, half of the company wanted to quit if James Kirkland, Managing Partner didn't get a new PA soon.

No staffing agency would touch them anymore and ads only brought in the crazies.

So she made the call and begged.

"Please Adriana, please, please, please. I am begging you, please do this for me. The board is not happy and if they are not happy James is not happy and if James is not happy we are all ready to jump off the roof. Name your price; I'll pay you anything you want."

Finally Adriana agreed and Jeannie sighed in relief. She will sign a contract for three months. Three months! That's longer than the last nine temps combined. Three months of not having acid reflux at the mere mention of the name Mr James Kirkland.


That morning the rumour mill was churning out the newest gossip in whispered conversations and poorly typed emails.

'She was coming...'

'...the new one.'

Bets were placed and wagers made.

Last minute rearrangements for optimal spectator enjoyment while pretending to do actual work.

The elevator pinged, a collective intake of breath, the silver doors slid open and a woman resembling a panther walked out.

Cue slow-motion...

Her long jet black hair was pulled back into a sleek pony-tail that curved down her back.

A perfect hourglass figure was wrapped in a black business suit, tailored to the last stitch.

Thick black eyeliner accentuated the lush black lashes and plum lipstick stained the perfect bow of her lips.

She wore no jewellery, no adornment of any kind except matching plum nail polish on perfectly manicured fingertips.

Her glistening nine-inch heels matched her designer briefcase, though brands were not obvious.

She arched a perfect eyebrow at a guy who dropped a stack of papers in sheer awe.

When she reached her desk, the spell was broken as the collective breath was expelled in sheer shock.

This was a whole new game and the stakes were just raised.

Adriana sat down at what would be her desk for the next three months and extracted a tablet, earphones and hand sanitizer from her briefcase.

Once connected to her desktop computer she proceeded to sync her own programs to it and changed her log-in passwords.

An alert pinged to announce the arrival of her new boss at the entrance of the premises.

Eyes followed her every move as she opened the double doors to his office to prepare for his arrival.

A steaming cup of coffee was placed on the desk, blinds were opened and computer switched on.

The elevator pinged once more and like a tennis final, all eyes were glued to the silver doors.

Mr Kirkland had his 'Monday' face on and strolled through the cubicles arguing with the person on the other side of the cellphone that was pressed to his ear.

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