The CandyMan

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?: point of view:
I-I was at the club. Having fun with my girls a-and then HE came into the doors suit fitted in well. Muscular body. Sexy grin he gave me. He came closer and closer and he bit his plumped lips.
"What's your name beautiful?" He asked kissing my hand as he greeted me.
" Anastasia and you?" I questioned him.
"They call me the Daniel by looks and the CandyMan because of my skills." He replied back.
"Well it nice meeting you I gotta go now." I said letting go.
"Can I have your number?"
I nodded my head and have him my number and and left out but the I felt a muscular figure grab my arm.
I turned to see HIM.... Then I blacked out.

Anastasia's Point of view:
I woke up with a headache.
"Where am I?" I asked myself as I looked around the room. Just then Daniel comes in with a plate of breakfast and a tray with juice.
"I see your up how was your sleep baby girl?" He asks as he sets everything down.
"U-um it was great I guess, how did I get here and who are you?" I asked.
"I'm Daniel from the club, your mom called me and asked if I can take you in because of her family problems, I said yea." He said.
"Oh well can we go by my house?" I asked.
"Sure later on after we go to the mall!"he said as he walked out.
I was confused on what was going on. I ate the food. Then got up and shower up and got dressed in clothes he set out for me. He nice.

Mr. CandyManWhere stories live. Discover now