Chapter 20, section 3

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Warning: crap puns follow.

1. Speeding up communications
             A. Communicating across the Atlantic
                 1. Telegraph worked in US, but didn't really help get to UK, which took weeks of ships. Done by field
                  2. Literally lay cable across the ocean floor so telegraph could cross from side to side
               B. Bell's "talking machine"
                   1. Bell was able to transmit voice and such Satanism and worked on it from like 1865 to like 1876, when it worked and shtuff, and his buddy was like Woah dude!
                   2. Peeps were like dude, we don't care! We think you have a trumpet butt haha! But Bell made money, not the peeps, cuz phones be rad and you don't have to talk morse code, so that's a plus!
          Big Idea: people spent lots of time on helping communication, like telegrams under the sea from U.K. To us by fields, or phone by Bell

2. Edison: "the wizard of Menlo Park"
             A. Turning an idea into a system
                 1. He made a system to invent and it really helped, he was cranking out stuff all the time! He believed in hard work and said it was hard to be an inventor
                2. He made the light bulb, phonograph, and movies, and tons of other stuff, but mostly movies.
              B. The power of electricity
                 1. Built first power plant in 1882 and turned on the lights in New York
                  2. Business grew huge and everyone used electricity as a safer energy source.
                Big Idea: Edison invented lots of stuff that changed the world, like lightbulbs, movies, and electricity and other crap.

3. Technology Takes Command
                 A. Refrigerated railroad cars
                    1. Bet you it was a German, but anywho meat had been a local thing for a long time, but no longer!*malfoy leap*
                   2. That's right! Gustavus Swift can use the potty! And made meatpacking districts in Chicago to send meats that came in from farmer all around the us*
                 B. New technologies at the office and at home
                    1. So Christopher Sholes sold his souls for his invention of the typewriter, and made a money helping speed communications. Again. After all this time...
                    2. George Eastman made a light camera that was light, as the sun rises in the east, and he was a man, and the company developed the pics for people. That was quite nice of them, really.
                 C. African American Inventors
                      1. Dude they existed, and they was cool! McCoy made a self oil thing, woods found ways to telegram from moving trains, and matzeliger made shoes
                      2. Peeps who were AAs  had hard times getting patents(or pagans according to auto correct) but many inventions were from AAs
                  Big Ideas: people were inventing stuff, and it was cool, and everyone was doing it!!!! Party!!!!! (Drunk Snape voice from very potter musical)

4. Automobiles and the assembly line
                   A. Ford's moving assembly line
                       1. Ford made cars a thing with assembly lines, which some people would make the same parts of cars over and over, and other people made the other parts over and over.
                        2. Assemblies mean mass production, which means cheap stuff, which means more customers! Yay!!! Party!!! (Still drink Snape)
                    B. Cars for the public
                        1. Peeps pee on parades, particularly fords, but not lits. They just don't like cars! They thought it would scare horses and shtuff.
                        2. Like Snape, it took time to change, and the peeps liked it and drove like freaky freaks of nature, and were also advertised to women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like this
                   Big Idea: cars were cool, and ford made them cheap, and peeps didn't like them unless they were hipsters who liked it before it was cool, and then they were feminists!

5. The first flight
                1. So we know lots bout the wrights, wright my precious? (Pun so freaking intended) so they flew in the sky like butterflies and had been bikers. They wanted to be birds and fly, so they flew
               2. They were bad at first, but fixed it up nice, before long military wanted planes to spy of stuffs. They were the first to be interested in the practical use of planes
               Big Idea: they flew like birds with guns and spied on enemies, since bikes were out.


Patent-license for new stuff
Transatlantic- crossing or spanning the entire Atlantic Ocean.
Moving assembly line- method of production by which workers stay in one place as products move by
Mass production- prodded of making lots of stuff quickly and cheaply

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2015 ⏰

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