Chapter 1

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Zero's P.O.V

I walked around school with my hands in my pockets. I looked at the sky and admired the midnight black sky that was brightened by the full moon with many little shining stars around it. The wind blew softly against the tree leaves making the leaves hit together and make a rustling sound. I tore my eye's away from the sky and looked around me for any signs of night class students. But something else caught my attention, I spotted a fully bloomed white rose in the middle of the many bright red roses that were still on their way to blooming fully. I walked over to it in curiosity and picked the flower from the stem and held it to my nose. I took a deep breath in and what surprised me was that that the rose didn't have a scent to it at all. I raised a eyebrow and pulled the rose away from my nose and accidentally pricked my finger on the thorny stem of the rose. I yelped a bit and then raised my finger. I watched as a single drop of blood fell from my wounded finger and landed on one of the white petals on the rose. 

I watched as the blood sank into the rose and disappeared within the white rose. I twitched my nose as I was holding in my breath so I couldn't smell the blood from my finger, afraid that if I do I would get bloodlust. My eye's widened as I watched the rose begin to quickly turn a blood red colour, when it had stopped the whole rose was blood red. 'That was interesting.' I thought and then looked around me as I finally released the breath I had been holding. 'It's getting late. I don't really like roses so I don't really want to take it back to my dorm either, there must be someone who loves roses.' I thought to myself and thought hard for a second, then the only person I knew that loved roses popped into my head, Kaname Kuran. 'Well he is the only person I know so why not.' I thought and then began walking to the moon dorms. 

Nobody's P.O.V

Zero had silently sneaked into Kaname's room through the window which he found quiet difficult a bit. He then placed the rose on Kaname's bedside table before jumping out of the window again and making his way back slowly to his dorm. 

Kaname's P.O.V

I walked into my room after having dinner downstairs with the other vampires. I closed the door behind me and then smelled the odd scent of Kiryu. 'What was Kiryu doing here?' I thought and then looked around my room for any sign of him but doubtfully didn't find him. I then spotted a rose on my bedside table and walked over to it, I gently picked the rose up and sniffed it gently to smell Kiryu's blood. I smiled and then pulled the flower away from my nose. "Oh how I treasure you Kiryu." I stated before biting my finger and letting my blood drop onto it. 

A blood bond and an engagement through a RoseWhere stories live. Discover now