The Ballad of Mona Lisa

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"Hello everyone! My name is Bryan Stars."
"I'm Kyle David Hall."
"I'm Jordan Sweeto."
"I'm Meghan marie."
"Alex Dorame here!"
"I'm Johnnie Guilbert."
"I'm Jeydon Wale."
"And I'm the awesome Dawn Guilbert."
"And we're My Digital Escape!" We all said together. "So we're all finally together. Today, we're going to be filming some awesome videos with each other that we couldn't do before," Bryan started. "So we asked you guys to ask us 'who's the best' and 'who's the worst' questions so let's get started!" Johnnie said. "So first question. Who has the most followers of Instagram?" We all took out our phones and we started saying out follower count. Johnnie ended up winning. Questions were asked like, "who has been doing YouTube the longest?" and "who has the least amount of followers on Instagram." Then there was one that said "who's the hottest." Everyone errupted in a big fight on who was the hottest. I stood up and shouted, "everyone calm down!" Everyone got quiet and looked at me. "We all know the real answer to this question. It's obviously me." "Yeah I think Dawn beats all of us," Kyle said, making me blush. "Except me of course." We went on with other questions until we got enough film time. Bryan said he would edit it and stuff. He's kind of like the MDE leader, but I'm okay with that. I'm new to it anyways. After that, we went on to film our own videos for our channels and MDE. I decided to make one with Jordan for my channel. "Hey what is up, my name is Dawn, and if you didn't know that, what are you doing on my channel? So today, I have one of my best YouTuber friends, Jordan Sweeto! We're going to film a would you rather video! Jordan you go first." "Okay Dawn, would you rather fxxk Obama or your own brother?" "What kind of question is that? Umm probably Obama because I just could not fxxk Johnnie. That's weird." Jordan chuckled. "Would you rather make out with Bryan Stars or eat a cat?" "You better chose making out with me!" Bryan said, popping out of no where. I started cracking up. Jordan's face turned red. "Honestly, I'd rather eat a cat." I slapped his shoulder. "Jordan, how could you! Cats are the bomb!" "Yeah but Bryan is just so... Bryan." "Hey!" Bryan shouted. We burst out laughing. "Okay, would you rather marry Vic Fuentes or Austin Carlile?" Jordan asked. "Can I say both?" "Nope." I sighed. "I don't know, they're both so awesome and sexy." I thought about the benefits of marrying both. But damn that sounds amazing. "God that's so hard! Probably Austin, just because he's younger. Vic's like 32." "True." "I'm totally going to tell Austin that you would marry him," Bryan said. I flipped him off. "You better not. Anyways, he doesn't even know I exist." We said another few would you rathers before I said goodbye and ended the video. "Man I haven't laughed like that in a long time," Jordan said. I smiled. At that point, everyone was in different rooms filming their own videos. Jordan and I were the first to finish. "Well what do you want to do?" I asked. "I'm pretty hungry." "Same. We can go to the store. I'll go ask everyone if they want anything," I said. He nodded and went to put his shoes on. I went to the first room that Jeydon, Johnnie, and Bryan were filming in. They were doing a lot of laughing. "Hey guys, Jordan and I are heading to the store. Ya'll want anything?" "Just get a lot of junk food," Bryan said. The other guys nodded in agreement. I laughed and went to the next room where Kyle and Meghan were filming. When I opened the door, they pulled away from each other quickly. Meghan's cheeks were bright red. I felt my cheeks get hot. "Sorry was I interrupting something?" I asked. "No," Kyle said quickly. He gave me a look that said sorry. "Um, Jordan and I were heading to the store. You guys want anything?" "Get me some good vegetarian stuff," Kyle said. I nodded. "I'm good," Meghan whispered. She looked very embarrassed. I bit my lip as disappointment washed over me. They were doing some truth or dare video. That made me realize that the kiss I shared with Kyle a few months ago was nothing. There's nothing between us. I'm so stupid. I turned to walked away. "Wait Dawn!" Kyle called. "What?" I asked a little too harsh. He hesitated. "Um, never mind." I just looked down and walked away. "You okay?" Jordan asked. "Yeah," I lied. He squinted his eyes at me. "You're lying." "I'll tell you in the car." He followed me out to the car. I pulled out and turned on the radio softly. "So what happened?" "Do you remember my first YouTube video ever?" I asked. "Yeah that video with Kyle where you two totally kissed," he said with a wink. "Yeah well I totally just walked into him and Meghan kissing. And I know they were filming a Truth or Dare video." "Wait what? You saw them kissing?" "Well I didn't see it exactly, but I saw them separating because I walked through the door." "Damn." "I'm just stupid. I thought there was a possibility that he had feelings for me. But I don't think so anymore, now that I know that kiss wasn't special." "God I wish I could just tell you," he whispered. "Tell me what?" He sighed. "I promised I wouldn't tell." "Jordannnn just tell me!" I begged. I looked over and gave him the puppy dog eyes. "I can't!" "Then you're not my best friend anymore!" "Don't be like that!" "Then tell me!" He sighed again. "Remember how I was on Warped Tour with Kyle, Alex, Johnnie, and Bryan?" I nodded. "Well Kyle told me something I promised not to tell." "What is it?" "God I'm such a bad friend. He told me about his crush on you." "He has a crush on me?" I asked and started smiling. "Well he did. I don't know if he has one anymore. He liked your shyness. He though it was adorable." I stared at the road in front of me. "Does he not like me because of my change?" "He hasn't exactly said it. But he used to talk about how cute you were when you blushed and hid behind Johnnie. He fell for your shyness. You didn't have to change for him." "But I overheard him talking to Kylie, and he said he liked confident girls." "Well you were different." Disappointment washed over me. "I can't just become a shy girl again. Do you know how hard I worked over summer? When school started, I surprised the fuck out of everyone. I like who I am now." "And he might like who you are now. But with this whole Meghan thing, the tables have turned." "What do I do?" "Like you said, you're confident now. Make a move. Make him fall for the new Dawn." "That sounds like a good plan." Jordan smiled. At that time, I pulled into the grocery store. We spent 3o minutes just getting whatever we wanted. After paying, we drove back to The apartment, where me, Bryan, and Johnnie lived.

Woah Mona Lisa, your guaranteed to run this town
Woah Mona Lisa I paid to see you frown

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