Chapter 7

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*About 3 years after Icarus died*

Allen is standing in the middle of the party room at the pizzeria, Talking to his brother, Azrael (I brought him back to life a while ago), They were talking about the best course of action to deal with the Dark angel that was growing on earth

"I think we should just brimstone the world again" Said Allen, But such responses should be expected from him, for he is the Archangel of War after all.

"No, Too much work to reap all the souls" Said Az, The Archangel of Death, who was extremely lazy

"We can't just destroy earth, Too high of a population now"

"What else can we do then, Brother?"

Allen gave him a look that said "Do I look like I know what to do"


A silver portal opened next to them, And out stepped there brothers, William and David

"HELLO, BROTHERS" They all said at once as they ran and embraced eachother

"Hey, William," Allen said "I have a question for you"

"Yeah, What is it, Little brother?" William, The Archangel of Conquest said

"How should we deal with the Dark angel cell here on Earth?"

"The Dark's are back?"


"Oh no"

"'Oh no' what?" Said Myst, Strolling up behind Allen

"Hello, My love," Said Allen "How are you today?"

"Hello, Love, And I'm fine, Now, What is this about Dark angels?"

"They're back, And we still haven't found Kyle"

"Oh no"

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