The sorting

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As the train stopped we all clambered out trying to get a glimpse of Hogwarts I heard Hermione gasp
"firs' years thi'  way!" bellowed a really tall man I'm guessing he's half giant as giants are about 6 foot tall like this man
"Follow me 1st year' and transfer student' the boats!"
I clambered into a boat with Hermione and a boy and a girl who i found out to be twins Kyla and Leo i was chatting to them when kyla gasped
I turned around and there it was Hogwarts it was beautiful. That's all i can say the stone and the towers make it look like a fairy tale but the effect of the boats moving so slowly i gave up waiting to get there.
"I'm gonna jump hermi kyla see you at the edge!" I yelled and jumped, when i came up i saw kyla, Leo and hermi gawping at me
"Close your mouth you'll catch a fly" said smartly they laughed and shut their mouths a boy on the other boat snickered he was the boy from the train .
"Oh.. Ronald is it" i said smirking as his cheeks when just lighter than his hair.
"Byeee" i said and swam to shore as i neared shore though something pulled me under it was a scaly thing i think it was a mermaid then more started getting their devil staf thingys and stuck them into my throat. Then as i saw a tiny spec of blood they lurched back
"Royal blood?" One said wait merpeople aren't supposed to be able to speak the same language as humans
"I can understand you" then i realised I'm breathing too
"She's breathing" another yelled
"We must take you back but please come visit  us if you're free at some point i bid you farewell princess " a female said politely
"Bye" i said before swimming to shore once again i came out and Hermione looked really worried
"You" she looked around "you idiot how could you do that to mee" hermi said confused as i shivered
"Herenum" mionie grumbled as i warmed up and dried
"Oh your the best!" I yelled then we headed up the stairs presumably to the castle and we went into what i think is the entrance hall we saw the older kids in the hall waiting patiently then we went to a room just off of the hall and a woman in emerald green robes appeared
"Welcome first years! When you enter the hall you will go up to the front and wait till your name is called am i clear?" A few murmurs confirmed we understood. She left the room.
"Ah isn't it only the famous harry potter this is Crabbe" he gestured to his left "and this is goyle" the lump on his other side"and I'm Malfoy, Draco malfoy" ron unattractively snickered
"Think my names funny do you no need to ask your name ginger hair and hand me down robes you must be a Weasley" this draco guy spat i just hate people who think they're better than everyone else
"Oh get lost malfoy even if you have a big house downstream mean your better than the rest of us!" I yelled maybe a bit too loud
"So are you muggle born" he tried to flirt but failed but spat the name  'muggle'
"For you information, I'm none of those so i advise you make a move out of our way" the perks of being a princess but still managing to own them without them finding out
His eyes knitted together with confusion then he walked over to Harry
"Some wizarding families are better than others i can help you there don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort" malfoy said sticking out his hand glaring at me in particular
Harry looked at it for a moment before saying "i think i can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks" wayyy good comeback harry! At that moment McGonagall came in and tapped malfoy on the shoulder
"We're ready for you now"
I paired up with hermione and walked through the doors that I guess are kind of writing our future. I gasped at the ceiling at everything and hermione said
" Its not the real night sky its just enchanted to look like it I read it in Hogwarts, a history"  We filed round a 3 legged stool with an old hat placed on top of it. Then the hat started to sing! It's sang about the different houses and I was very intrigued to hear what it had to say. Then McGonagall started saying names of other first years it started with:
"Hannah Abbot"
"Leondrendi Black-ashcroft"
"Kylaria Black-ashcroft" they were both put into Gryfindoor easily
"Elsanna Ashcroft" that's me!
I walked up to the stool and the hat was placed on my head.
Ahh Elsannaliese Royal-ashcroft Hess your mother and father were difficult too you are caring and soft hearted for Hufflepuff, no, cleaved and wise for Ravenclaw, no, cunning and good with battle strategy for Slytherin, ahh but what about Gryfindor yes that would suit you well your bravery and courage stands out most but ravenclaw would be my second choice I think better though be GRYFFINDOR!
I jumped off the stool and ran to the table cheering.
A few more names were called out then:
"Hermione Granger" Gryffindor
Yess Hermione can and jumped down next to me.
"Neville longbottom" Gryffindor
"Genesis Lupin" Gryffindor
"Draco Malfoy" Slytherin
"Harry potter" lots of whispers took place as Harry walked up he sat there for a while then Gryffindor!
"Fede Potter" wait what Harry has a Brother! I looked over at Harry who was sitting across from me but his expression mirrored Kyla's
Gryffindor! He sat next to Hermione and winked at her but I saw her choosing to ignore it
There were a few more then
"Ronald Weasley" the hat skimmed this head then
Gryffindor! A few more then the sorting was finished and food appeared no where else have I seen so much food!
After the feast we made our way up to the common room and the password is capus draconis don't tell anyone though I share a dorm with Hermione, twins Pavarati and padma, Lavender, Kyla and Genesis who likes to be called genis.

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