Chp.5 I never left

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Ok so I originally had like 3k fucking words written but then I realized that it was kinda sad and I want this book to be fluffy enough that agnes from Despicable me wants to grab it and yell fluffy. So basically I deleted the whole thing. Also something very ah-mazing happened this week. Fucking TALK ME DOWN CAME OUT! *takes five mins to calm down* poor troye boy tho someone leaked the album cover before he got to show it. #norespect yall troye worked hard as shit to get to where he is so please don't leak anything. Yall needa read the book Dear tronnor by @Troyler-trash puh-lease it a message all tronnor shippers needa hear and it made me die (no its not a fanfic its like a message thing idk go read it. Its only an paragraph long) Speaking of paragraphs im proably boring you. So with out further ado where is the next chapter.

lol I wrote this a while ago and thought I published it....But I didn't.

Word count: 1285 words

I remembered I hadn't told Alfred where I would be headed and he would throw a fit if he knew that I had gone up to earth during light hours. I attempted to tiptoe past his room but he caught me anyways.

"TROYE SIVAN MELLET" Alfred yelled at me. He was seated on a huge rocking chair with a book in hand.

"Yes" I dragged the s.

"I would love to know the reason why you weren't home and why you left without telling me"

"I was just skipping rocks by the river" I lied. I never lie to Alfred. I always tell him the truth after all there isn't much to lie about.

"Troye next time I don't want you to leave with out telling me. Its dangerous out there. Anyways I have some news. Do you remember that boy named tyler that I made you visit when you where younger? He's moved back I need you to go check on him tonite."

My jaw dropped. "There is no way on earth I can check on tyler. Nope. Nada. No way on earth I will go to check on tyler."

"You are going to tyler and that is it." Alfred got up and hobbled away.

This is NOT happening. I stomped into my room and stomped into my bed. I tried to fall asleep but due to that five hour nap I had while spying on tyler I could not fall asleep again. I checked the time 10:00pm. One more hour until I have to go see Tyler.  I decided to scroll through tumblr to kill time.

After what felt like two minutes my necklace spoke to me. Master it is time. My mind blank, I slowly got up and took my sweater. It is not cold in the underworld but on earth it is freezing. I say Tyler's name begin traveling. When I usually travel between realms everything is a blur. But for some reason this time everything was clear to see. I saw the rivers that held the blood of the unfortunate. I saw the fiery pits where the evil and wicked are burned. I saw the field I once called home.

Quietly I landed in a closet. I wasn't to sure if it was Tyler's closet or his mothers. I felt around the closet to see if I could find anything that would tell me who's closet I was in.

"I finish packing tomorrow mom." He yelled. "Im going to sleep." There was the sound of shuffling then a door shut. When was I supposed to come out? I didn't want to accidentally walk in on him changing. Not that I would mind. I pulled out my phone and resumed my tumblr session.

After a while I checked the time. 12:13. I had exactly one hour and forty seven minutes left. As I kept scrolling through tumblr I begun to feel guilty. Alfred had given me orders to go see tyler. Not to be in his closet scrolling through tumblr. Sighing I turned the handle to Tyler's closet. Inside the room was dark but you could still make out Tyler's sleeping figure on his bed. Silently I walked towards him. He seemed peaceful. Moon light shone through his windows and illuminated his face perfectly.

Suddenly a dark shadow covered the moonlight that spilled through the window. I turned around to see what had been covering the moonlight. Someone in a cloak. I was not able to see if the person was man or woman for they left as quickly as they came. I was not even sure if it was a person.

Ding ding ding. Tyler's phone buzzed against the night stand. I tensed up. I didn't want Tyler to see me. I was unable to move as I watched in silence as Tyler turned to pick up his phone and send someone a text. He closed his phone and placed it back onto the night stand.

After three minutes of just standing there I quietly took a seat to soothe my aching feet. I had been standing up in his closet for at least 1 hour. I thought tyler went back to sleep so I pulled out my phone. No more guilt I had seen Tyler. Yea he had not been awake but it would be rude to wake him from his sleep.

"I never thought you would actually come back. You know, when I left I would always hope that you would come and find me." He spoke into the darkness. He paused for a little. As if he was choosing his next words carefully then he began to speak again. "Ive always wondered where was that boy who was the reason behind my baggy eyes. Where was that boy that I would stay up all night to wait for. I always told myself it was a dream. My mother told me your imaginary. That she had never met anyone that day on the park. But I couldn't shake the memories away. But here you are in my room once again. Your not just an imaginary friend your real." He sounded as if he was talking to himself more than he was talking to me.

I took a deep breath. So he hadn't gone back to sleep. Why did I leave the closet in the first place?

"Tilly" I let the name fall slowly and softly out of my mouth. I did not know what to say next. I couldn't tell him that Alfred forced me to come to him because even if he hadn't I still would've gone to see Tyler. "I never left"

Tyler sat up in his bed. "You never left? If you never left why didn't you lever try to find me?" His words where harsh. "That day I left. Why didn't you say goodbye. That night while going to New York I cried. Why didn't the strange boy who showed up at night say goodbye to me. You made my life miserable but at the same time you made it better" he chuckled to himself. It wasn't a genuine chuckle. It was bitter. "I don't want you to be here. But for a strange reason I do."

I didn't know what to say. He was right. That day he left I hadn't said goodbye. " I was eleven" was all I managed to say.

"Even two year olds have hearts." He fell back into his bed. We sat in thick silence. After a while Tyler spoke again. "Just leave"

Funny. I wish I could but once I get into Tyler's house I cannot leave until 2 o'clock. "I cant"

He didn't speak. In the darkness is where I sat watching the clock tick by painfully slow.

That was a bit dramatic. *drops mic, walks out*

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