Chapter 9

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It's been an hour, but it feels like seconds. Like my home is vanishing into thin air. I can't even say goodbye, or turn back for a second anymore. I considered it for a few minutes up in the tree. Luckily, I told myself no. After I brought myself down from the tree, I shot another fireball, conveiniently in a lake. 

I just have to keep telling myself it'll be okay, and this happens to everybody at some point in their lives. Except it doesn't. I stare up at the moonlight sky. I need to work everything out first. No sense in worrying before anything happens yet. 

I finally reach Wolf's house. Actually, her winter home. She moves around a lot, but she doesn't do much traveling in the winter. I don't know why really. I'm just glad she's here. I put my hand on the brass knob. Whatever happens, happens. Once she discovers I'm a freak too, and I didn't meet her when I asked, she might kill me. She'll probably never help me again. Mom says she's insane. I don't know if mom is the first person to ask, so I'm not sure what to expect. 

I snap out of my trance and slam the knocker against the metal plate, banging on the door. "Holy Notch!" A voice snarls. "COMING!" The young adult calls, and I hear her footsteps softly hopping down the stairs. The door opens a crack, and a dagger peeks out. "If you're a reporter, I'll kill you. You have ten seconds to run. Ten..." 

"Wait, Wolf? It's me...Lark. Don't hurt me. I need help." I swallow my fear as the lock clicks open and I stare into her dark brown eyes for the first time in years. "Um. Hi." I whisper. She grabs my arm, pulls me inside and closes the door behind us. 

"Two questions. Answer honestly. One. Did your mother or anyone else send you?" I shake my head, my vocal cords frozen, unable to speak. "Okay. Second question- where are your weapons?" I hand her my pack to go through and drop my axe on the floor." Wolf digs through my pack and tosses my axe across the room. 

"Careful, its my only weapon." Wolf glares at me for a second, but her expression softens when she sees the look of intense fear on my face. Suddenly, without warning, tears rise in my eyes. I can't cry now. She'll think I'm weak. She might not say it, but I can't risk anything around her. I sniff and wipe my eyes. "You have to help me." My voice clears. "I had to run away, my family's turned against me and you're the only one to understand." 

Wolf smirks. "I got your letter a few days ago." She pauses. 

"Notch, I'm sorry I didn't come, I was in a coma- long story. Please forgive me." I plead. 

"Kid, who do you think I am? Lord of the Nether? I'm like you. You can stay the night. It's too late to kick you out."I inhale, and wipe my sweaty palms on my lap. 

"You can sleep on the couch. I'll have you know if you try anything though, I know twenty different ways to kill you with my bare hands. Watch your back, and don't steal from me. I've always trusted you, but just a reminder." She grinned at me, and left the room. 

Wolf can be scary. 

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