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Mila hurry up you're going to be late for school on your first day back. I heard mum yell from down the hall. I woke up late this morning. Usually I don't sleep through my alarm but today I did. I stayed up all night studying, explains the mess all over my bedroom floor. I did my morning routine. I got into the shower then I dried myself leaving my self in my undies and bra, brushed my teeth and dried my hair. Then finally chose an outfit to wear today.
I decided on blue jeans and a white crop top with white converse. I'm really running late I thought to myself, quickly I shoved all my books in my bag and ran down the stairs.
"Hi mum bye mum! Have a good day today." I yelled as I made my way to my car. School starts at 9:05 and it was 8:50 luckily for me I only live 10 minutes away from the school.
I've been awake since 6 in the morning, I usually wake up at 8:30 but today I decided I wanted to go for a run and workout a little,the reason why I love working out and going for runs because it helps me release my anger and frustration, by the time I finished my workout it was 7:30I quickly jumped into the shower when I was done I went into my walk in closet and decided what to wear. Black jeans, black top and black boots. By the time I was ready it was 8:30. I made my way to my car and went straight to my spot which was only around the corner from school. I usually come here every morning and afternoon before and after school. I pulled out my joint, lit it and inhaled. I love the feeling I get. I felt my phone ringing in my pocket without checking the caller ID I answered. "Hello."
"Hi Y/N where are you? hurry up and get to school we have a grade meeting with the principal."
"I'm coming see you soon." And with that said I hung up and tossed my finished joint away and made my way to school. Making my way through the hall way by the looks of it I was late because no one was around. I laughed to myself and went straight to the hall where the meeting is about to take place. I spotted Taylor as she waved to me. As I made my way over to Taylor and kissed her hello the principle walked in, and everyone went silent.
Listen up ladies and gentlemen today's your first day of senior year, I don't want any Childish dramas this year, no fighting no disrespectful comments to one another and especially to your teachers. Mr Bart went on for about an hour talking about what's right and what's wrong. I zoned out and I was looking around the hall seeing some new faces and some faces that made my blood boil. Kate and her friends. Kate was my ex girlfriend. We were together for 2 years until she cheated on with some guy she worked with. Taylor sensed my announce and whispered "hey forget about her she ain't shit." Miss Taylor would you like to share with us all what you were saying to
Y/N. All eyes were on the both or us. I looked straight at mr Bart while Taylor looked to the ground. "No, no she doesn't." I said as nicely as I could. "Well then, you can wait here when this is over." He said rudely.
"Whatever." The meeting went on for another hour. Just as he finished talking the recess bell went.  "One more thing, miss cabello would you stay back."
Sitting reading my book As I waited for mr Bart to finish talking with Y/N. She began yelling  making me jump. Y/N didn't seem to happy, by the look of things she seemed pretty mad. I've heard a lot about Y/N, that her parents are rich and she has anger issues. I don't know her. Matter fact I've never really spoken to her at all. She made her way out of the wall slamming the door making me jump once again.Someone cleared their throat and got my attention. Shit I cussed to myself was I just staring. "As I was saying miss cabello, I'm happy to say you are one of our brightest students at kellyville high. Keep up the hard work."
"Thank you sir, I will." And with that he smiled and walked away.
After eating and laughing with my bestfriends ally Lauren dinah and normani about random things i made my way to my locker.
I couldn't help but notice the yelling coming from down the hall.I quickly got my books and shut my locker as I made my way down the hall. I was shocked to see that Y/N was on the ground getting beaten by people I've never seen before. They looked to old to be in school. Kicks and punches where thrown at
Y/N. She was defenceless. That's what you get for taking our shit and smoking it. One of them said. Y/N was trying to get up, she began to laugh and said is that all you got and spat at him. And with that he kicked her in the stomach 2 times that it sent her into the lockers with a loud thud. I felt as if I was paralysed. My heart was about to fall out of my chest. I couldn't move or speak. I wanted to help Y/N but- I was cut out of my thoughts by
Y/N being held by her shirt towards the locker. Y/N began making comments earning her more punches this time to her face.
"You slut, you owe me money. Your rich ass parents have money. You got 10 hours, or next time it will be more than just a beating." Letting go of her shirt. She dropped straight to the floor as they were walking away one of them came back and kicked her right in The face then walked out of school doors. I was still progressing what had just happened. She was laying there on the ground. She was helpless. I didn't notice the tears running down my face
I finally got my shit together and ran over to her. She was covered in blood.
"Oh my God!"
"Someone please help!"
"Y/N can you hear me."
Her eyes were closing and she was loosing consciousness.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2015 ⏰

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