Chapter 1

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"Hey. Do you want to hang out at my place? We can study together." Jack said.

"Jack, I told you. I'm not that girl anymore." I walk to class while carrying the books that I need.

"I know. But, where's that geek side that I always knew about?" He bumped my elbow with his elbow.

"Jack, please." I scold him.

"Well, could you at least come over? Please? We can do whatever you want." Jack begged.

"A party?"

"A math party, yes."

"Jack. No. No more geek stuff, please. Just a normal party with normal teenagers."

"Fine. A normal part with normal teenagers." He told himself. "Will you help me with the guest list?"

"Maybe. I don't know. I guess I'll go over it for you. Just to make sure there aren't any geeks that will ruin the fun." I wink at him.

"Okay. Sounds like a plan. Blow it up?" He stuck out his fist to me so I could pound it but I rejected it.

"I gotta go to class. Bye Jack. Pick me up after school?"

"Sure thing. Bye Sam." He waved at me as I made my way to last hour.

I put up with Jack because he's been my best friend since I came to this school. Which was eight years ago.

I'm in highschool now. I used to be one of those geeks that loved school. Now I absolutely hate it. I'm now one of those preppy girls who gets what she wants. And right now, I want a party to go to, where I'll be able to drink, sleep around with guys that I like but yet have no chance with, and, of course, have fun.

And that's exactly what I'm going to do.

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