Artemis' Arrival

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Running as fast as my legs could carry to the Bank, in what seemed like forever I got there.

Glancing to the window I already has my plan in mind, shoot a lightning bolt though the window, shock the robbers and make them drop their guns. Simple, right?

So I could talk the talk, but could I walk the walk?

My hands grasped the window sill, my knuckles becoming white as I hoisted myself up, perfect angle. I could see the two robbers in the middle of the bank pointing the gun at... Danny?

No way. How did they find him?

He had his arms up, declaring he had nothing on him, poor Danny. Luckily for me, these windows weren't soundproof, the ass wipes weren't really using their inside voices either.

"Think you're clever huh?" The one on the right said before laughing, his finger dangerously close to the gun trigger.

"What do you think Clyde, should we gut him?" The one the left chuckled glancing to his partner, Clyde.

"Gut him before the cops get here, we all know who he was talking to!" Clyde spat barely an inch away from Danny's shoe, the shoes I bought for him.

Closing my eyes and taking a breath, I put my arms out, it was now or never.

I felt the shock run through my arms, sending shivers down my spine, blasting lightning out of all ten of my finger tips it broke through the window, striking both Clyde and his partner, the shock I sent wasn't strong enough to kill them but it definitely did the trick of getting them away from Danny.

Their bodies fell limply to the ground making them drop the guns, I quickly jumped in through the window giving Danny a quick glance, in response he kicked the guns towards me, cautiously I picked them up, my gloves now hugging both of the guns.

"I don't think you know, but there's a new hero in town." I smirked, the assailants groaned in response, still in shock from the lightning hit, "Try that again and I, Artemis, will not be so merciful." I smirked at my own line, horribly cheesy, but kick ass.

Distantly I could hear people banging on the door, the police were here. I glanced at the hostages, most of their faces now relieved from fear. I was their hero today, I saved their lives.

What a boost to my hero ego.

I dropped the guns before the police could break in, once they did I was gone, before they could find me. I watched from the window as familiar faces entered, two taking away the assailants, the others making sure the hostages were okay.

Quickly slipping back into CCPD's restroom after making sure it was empty I changed back into my work clothes and darted towards the Bank mentally preparing myself with an excuse.

"Alex, kid, what took you so long?" Joe sighed once I came close enough to him that I could hear him, "And do not tell me that Barry isn't with you, he's late too?"

I glanced around scanning the area for him, "Apparently so." I said with the laugh, late again.

Turning around I found none other than Barry, which I reacted to with a yelp.

"H-How did you do that?" I asked partially confused, he was sneaky but not that sneaky.

"I'm not wearing my loud shoes today." He laughed his nervous laugh as he glanced to his shoes.

"Uh, okay." I replied, not quite satisfied with his answer, you could try lying to a profiler, but you would never succeed.

Walking into the Bank it all rushed through my head again, Danny being in danger, me hitting the assailants, taking their guns. Knowing everything, I couldn't not poke some fun at this.

"The window's broken, did they come through the window?" I nodded my head towards the window I broke earlier.

"Hostages say that they came straight through the door, they also said that they were saved by a super hero." Joe stated glancing at the hostages being talked to by the different Detectives and Cops.

"The Flash?" Barry interjected, raising his eyebrows.

"No." I said almost too quickly, shit.

Joe shot me a questioning look, "No, not the Flash, Artemis."

"Who is he?" Barry asked, never once had I seen him this confused.

"She, it's a she, and a meta human." Joe corrected Barry, I turned away trying to hold back a smile.

It was me!

"So this so called, Artemis came through the window then, who else could it have been?" I waited for a response.

"Could have been one of the assailants shooting at the window to frighten the hostages." Barry said clearly in concentration, no matter how concentrated he was, he'd never furrow his brows, never.

"No, someone from outside would've heard a gunshot, plus no bullets were found outside the window, or near the window for that matter." I crossed my arms biting my tongue to hold back a grin.

Before anyone could reply Captain Singh approached us with a phone in his hands.

"Check this out, one of the hostages filmed Artemis." I felt a chill run down my spine as he pressed the play button, eternally thankful to my past self who decided to wear a mask.

"That last line sounds kinda cheesy." Joe remarked, and with that, I almost lost it.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

As patiently as possible I waited at the desk for Barry and Captain Singh to return from the morgue, with yesterday's case results. In what seemed like forever Barry walked into our shared office with a portfolio and a large box of fries.

I frowned when he only handed me the portfolio.

"Fries please?" I flashed a toothy grin, with a sigh he handed the box over.

"You can have the rest of the fries, I ate most of them on the way here." He embarrassingly admitted, hinted from the light blush on his cheeks.

"How generous of you." I chuckled and began eating the fries.

"The bruises they're like-"

"Tennis balls, oval ones... Not all of them are the same, I know." Barry finished for me, I sighed. We had an annoying habit of finishing each other's sentences.

"It looks so, fake." I remarked, scanning the rest of the report.

"Actually, most of his vital organs were hit with those, he didn't die from blood loss when the unsub carved his eyes out."

"I can read, Barry." I frowned, furrowing my eyebrows at the file. Was this for real? What the hell were those things? "But... Leo Valdet died the night of the particle accelerator exploded, not when he was supposedly murdered, what's up with that?"

"It means either he wasn't killed that night, or he has a doppelganger." Barry replied.

I stared once again at the pictures of the corpse, the bruises left on his torso, like rocks. Rocks thrown at him, so fast it could kill him?

Who was this person?

A/N; hey guys! did you enjoy that chapter?? Alex finally faced her fear and became Artemis! Danny is so proud (I am too)

So what do you guys think of this unsub? Meta human? Or is there something else to it? *HINT* there's an episode about it in the Flash! (Season 1) I really love writing this story and I'll update as MUCH as possible!

Don't forget to vote, comment and tell me your reactions!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2015 ⏰

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