Ch.1 A New Opportunity

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You quickly ran down your collage hallway, you had to make the audition in time. You took a quick glance at your watch.
'Shit! It ends in five minutes!' You mentally yelled
'Ok clam down or you will-' Bam!
You stumbled backwards and fell, dropping your water bottle, book bag and laptop bag in the process.
"Woah, are you okay?"
You heard a gruff but soft voice.
You sat up rubbing the side of your head.
"Ye-eah I'm-..."
Your voice dropped as you looked up at the person you ran into. You felt your face heat up. Time seemed to stand still as you stared at him. He was slightly husky but he had defined muscles and ruffled dark brown hair. He watched you with steady deep brown eyes.
You snapped back to reality as he waved a hand in front of your face
"Hello? Anyone there?"
"Hm...? Oh! I'm sorry! "
You gave a quick apology as you grabbed your water bottle and bags.
"Oh, by any chance do you know where the the Marble Hornets casting room is?" You asked shyly
"Oh, that's kinda funny " he looked behind him "Me and my friend Brain just came from there." He turned back to you with a smirk.
"I can see why you want to try out, with a face like yours, you're sure to get the part"
This only made the blush on your face become more noticeable.
"I-i'm only going to see if I can be a editor!" You said quickly, cursing yourself for your shyness. 
"Hmm, that's a same, but hey, if you get the part I guess I'll see you later."  He smiled at you and then to leave.
"W-wait!" You yelled causing him to turn.
"What's your name?"
He gave you a smirk.
"It's Tim, Tim Wright."
He turned and walked away. You stared after him for what felt like hours till oh heard a voice behind you. You quickly realized you never got an answer to your question.
"Ooh someone's got a crush~" You jumped and turned to a man with light brown hair and light eyes. 
"Who are you?" You questioned
"I'm Brain and I see you eyeing my friend over there ." Brain smirked knowing he was correct.
You simply kept silent, but didn't Tim mention he was with Brain at the audition? Maybe Brian would know where the room is?
"Um, hey, do you know where the Marble Hornets casting room is?" You questioned
"Oh yeah, that's just down the hall, I think room 488? There's a sign you can't miss it." You thanked him and begun to search for room 488.
"Excuse me? Are you still taking in editors?" You asked the only man in the room.
"You're a little late, but yes I am." He held out a hand, offering a polite handshake to which you accepted.

"So, I'm Alex and you are?" He asked whilst picking up a clipboard and pencil ready to write.

"My name is [Y/n] (Your name) " He began to write on his clip board, whilst asking more questions about projects you've done in the past. You showed him some of your work and he seemed impressed. 

 "Well, I can happily say I think I have an editor!" Alex spoke  happily

"Really?!" You gasped, "Thank you!" He  smiled and handed you a piece of paper that stated his phone number and addresses.

"Text me and I'll message you when and where we are recording.  Also even though you are not an actor it will still give you a chance to meet some of the other people working on this project."

He gathered his papers and laptop, you did the same. 

"Well I guess I'll see you when we start the project." He held out a hand

"Welcome to the Marble hornets team." 


Well I am very happy to begin this story! I personally think this will be my best work yet. Sorry I know Alex and Brian are a little out of character but I'm planning on re-watching  the wonderful Marble Hornets series so I can portray the characters correctly. Thank you for reading my story and I shall attempt to update as soon as I can! ôヮô

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