How We Met

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You recently won front row, meet & greet One Direction tickets to their upcoming concert. The concert was tonight, and you were beyond excited, because One Direction means the absolute world and more to you. Seeing the boys live would be amazing but actually meeting them would seriously be incredible. You've always had this huge soft spot for Harry. Over the years, you started to fall for his dimples, his piercing green eyes, the long curls and his tattoos. Everything about him made you fall, ever so hard. Just to meet him tonight would be a dream come true.

Your Pov;
Waiting outside the arena waiting to get your tickets checked, my nerves started to escalade. My heart starts to skip as the line starts to get smaller and smaller. Finally getting to the front of the line, I could see the inside of the arena. "Tickets miss?" A blonde older lady asks me. "Oh yes, here they are". I pulled out the meet and greets along with the concert tickets. The lady scanned them and smiled at you, "meet and greet is over there miss." exchanging the smile, I thanked the woman and went to the entrance for the meet and greet. There wasn't that many girls there yet because I got to the stadium early.

*20 minutes later*

"NEXT!" A security guard called out, taking the meet and greet tickets and giving me a lanyard with their faces on it. "Right this was ma'am," he said leading you to a room with "One Direction Meet and Greet" on a little poster on the door. He opened the door and my heart stopped.
There they were. The four beautiful boys I've loved for almost half a decade. They all looked at me and smiled, making my whole body tremble. Harry gave me this look that I've never really seen him make before. It's like he was stuck in a trance, staring at my eyes like he was analyzing them. Niall was the first to walk up to me.
"Hello love, how are you?" His thick Irish accent booming through the room. "I'm doing well, just a little nervous". Harry gave a little smile still gazing at me from the back of the room. Liam and Louis went and walked up to me and both of them gave me hugs and signed your CD. "I'm sorry that I'm so shy, this has been my dream for a long time." Harry slowly walked up to me and hugged me, giving me a slight kiss on the head. "What's your name love?"  "(Y/n)." He grinned while still hugging me , gripping a little harder on my waist in a way of claiming me. "So so beautiful (y/n). Such a beautiful name for such an beautiful girl."

Harry's Pov;

Wow, (Y/n). This was so unexpected. Meeting this girl felt so right. It felt so amazingly perfect. Like it was supposed to happen. When she first walked in, I was so mesmerized. I couldn't move. I was expecting a screaming fan to come in and freak out, but instead this beautiful girl came in, very quietly and calmly and left me breathless. My eyes immediately met hers. It was something so euphoric. She's so beautiful. She lit up this whole room as she walked in.
As I hugged her, my heart started to pound against my chest. She told me her name and as soon as it came out of her mouth, her name just kept on repeating in my head. (Y/n).

"Would you like a picture with the boys?" our security guard Paul, asked (y/n).
"Of course," she said as she giggled lightly and gave him her phone. We all huddled around her. I stood beside her on her left side, Liam stood beside me, Louis was on the far right and Niall was on the other side of (y/n). She put her hand around my torso and her other hand around Niall's. A rush of jealously ran through my body as he put his arm around her shoulders, so I put my right hand on the small of her back, rubbing little circles into her skin. She smiled lightly when I started to rub her back.
"Okay! You guys ready?" Paul asked while getting ready to take the picture. We all nodded and he took a couple pictures. One of all of us being really silly and then one where we all smiled towards Paul's direction. "One more!" His words went as a complete blur to me as I looked at her. I was in a daze. The flash of her phone took me out of my daydream. Taking my arm off of her waist, felt so wrong. I wanted to tell her not to go, but I couldn't do that. Paul gave her phone back, and (y/n) started to say goodbye to all of the boys. She hugged Liam, Louis and then went up to Niall. "Bye Ni," she smiled beautifully and gave him a hug. "I'll follow you on Twitter babe, give me your URL." He gave her his phone and she put in her Twitter account. He smiled at her, following her. "Goodbye babe".

Wow he really knew how to get under my skin.

She walked up to me and gave me that million dollar smile, bigger than what she gave Niall. "I guess this is goodbye Haz," when she used my nickname, it sounded so beautiful coming from her lips.
Her lips. Her beautiful lips, I wonder what it would be like to kiss those lips.
"It's not a goodbye, I just met you beautiful." she blushed at my compliment and looked down to her feet. "You know that you're beautiful right? You're gorgeous love." (Y/n) looked up towards me and smiled. "You're not to bad yourself Haz. You're very handsome, I hope you know that." Her words made me get butterflies in my stomach. I've never felt like that before about a girl, ever. "Can I have your number beautiful? I'd like to take you out. Treat you like the princess that you are." She gave me a wide grin and I gave her my phone. She opened my contacts and put in her number. I smiled and gave her a hug while kissing the top of her head. "See you soon babe."

Your Pov;

Walking to my seat in the stadium my mind was rushing with a thousand different thoughts. Harry Styles called ME beautiful. He asked me for MY number. He kissed MY head. I finally got to my seat and sat there, grabbing my phone, looking at the pictures we took. One in particular caught my eye. I was smiling towards the camera, along with Liam, Louis and Niall but Harry was staring at me. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration. A little smile curving on his lips. The look on his face was so confusing. What was he thinking of?
The arena started to fill up and the safety video started to play. All the girls around me started to stand up and scream as loud as they can. My mind was was still rushing as I stood up and smiling to myself, thinking about Harry. "Clouds" started to play as the fireworks went off behind the stage. All the boys came out and went to various parts of the stage. Harry's eyes wandered through the crowd, as if he was trying to find someone. The concert went on, and his eyes finally met mine when he sang You and I.

You and I,
we don't want to be like them.
We can make it till the end',
Nothing can come between,
You and I.
Not even the Gods above,
Can separate the two of us.
Nothing can come between,
You and I,
Oh You and I.

His eyes locked with mine and he never took his eyes off of me. While Louis sang his part he mouthed, "hey beautiful." smiling back, I said "hey handsome." He smiled so wide his dimples were showing.
The concert went on, and it finally came to an end. I was about to leave the arena but Paul came up to me again. "(Y/n)?"
"That's me," you giggled. "Come with me, Mr Styles requested to see you backstage." He said while chuckling. You walked with him backstage, "He never does that you know? He never asks for a girl to come backstage. He must think very highly of you."
"I hope so".

He led you to a room labeled as "HARRY STYLES".
"Here you go, go in." Paul said and opened the door to the dressing room. I walked in an Harry sat there on his brown leather couch watching some old movie on the television. He turned around and smirked at me, "oh hey beautiful, sorry for calling you back so early, I just, I missed you." he said scratching the back of his neck.
He was so cute when he got nervous.
"That's sweet." I sat beside him and it was silent.
"Where you off to next?" I asked, looking at him intently.
"Well, tomorrow we are off to Ireland for a couple dates. Then a few more around Europe. I should be home in hopefully a month. After that, it's over."
"I'm going to miss you. I know it's crazy that I only met you today but I feel such a connection, you know?"
"I do too"
He smiled at you and grabbed your hand, "how old are you darling?"
"I'm only 17. I turn 18 in a month"
"Oh, alright. I get back in a month, so how about if I take you out for your birthday?"
"I'd like that."

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