17. Packing for Sang

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I hope everyone is doing well! Thanks for reading!


Gabriel's POV

Driving home I went through my list of things I need to do. We all do this so I'm assuming that the silence in the car is from people inside their own head. I need to pack for Trouble and grab my packed bag from Luke's house and I am good to spend the night at Nate's. I hope Trouble is ready for a fun weekend away. We all need it.

We pull up to Nate's house and everyone is shuffling to different cars to get everything done. The faster we get everything done the more time we get to spend with Sang.

"Oy, Luke. I have to help Trouble pack. Grab my bag from your house".

Luke doesn't even turn around as he is getting in North's Jeep, "Ok man, see you after our shift at the Diner".

I forgot that almost everyone has either Academy work or Diner work tonight. It looks like it is just me and Trouble until this evening. Excellent!

Sang is headed towards the Kitchen with a purpose "Oy, Trouble, what are you doing? You still have to pack."

She stops and turns towards me, "Meanie, I am going to start dinner. The others should start arriving in a couple of hours so I can make a big pot of Taco Soup if we have enough ingredients. I can gather all of the ingredients and then start the soup in an hour or so and have it simmer on low that way in three hours it will be ready".

"I love you fucking brain Trouble. Great Idea."

After getting everything out, I turned towards Trouble. "Alright Trouble move your ass towards the closet. We have a lot to do. We need to make sure you have everything but your toiletries bag done within the next 90 minutes".

"It takes that long to pack!"

"Only if you are doing it right! Women always need more stuff. Besides I want you to look good for every activity. Since there is no set plan I have to over pack you. It is definitely hard being the only one with fashion sense in this family."

I started to pull clothes off the hangers and shelf and as I went I told trouble the importance of over packing, new trends, and how we needed to go shopping. After about 45 minutes Trouble interrupted my speech by asking, "What will we be putting all of this stuff in?"

"Don't worry Trouble. I would never leave you hanging like that. I am having Victor pick up the suitcase and he is bringing it over. That is why we are laying out all of your outfits. This not only makes sure everything is paired together, it also shows you how many outfits you have picked out, but this way everything stays neatly folded until your suitcase arrives."

"Wow, you really have this thought out."

"It's no big deal. I do this for all of us each time we go away." I kept up a steady stream of sentences, but then I noticed Sang has yet to respond to anything I had said. I turned around, "Trouble, is something wrong?"

"I was just thinking that you guys have been around each other for a long time and that you guys have so many memories together that I am the odd person out."

"Oh, Sweetie. The only thing that matters to us is that you are here now enjoying your life with us. This weekend is all about making memories. It is one of the reasons why we all wanted to go. Silas did suggest that we should've taken you to Greece, but Mr. B. said 'No, because we have school'".

"Thanks Gabriel. I feel better now. If we are done I would like to start dinner."

"Go ahead Trouble. I am just going to move your stuff out of the way." As soon as she left I got out my phone for a group text:

Me: Trouble is sad because she is new to the group and does not have as many memories or being able to be part of our routine. She is making dinner for all of us. How much longer until everyone gets here?

North: What the Fuck did you do to Sang Baby! I will be there after 8.

Silas: Uncle has closers tonight so I should be there a little after 8 to give Aggelle mou a hug.

Luke: Same for me plus dessert.

Kota: I should be there in an hour.

Nathan: I still have another two hours at least. Luke bring something with strawberries in it.

Victor: My Parents are home. Hopefully I can be there by 8, too.

Mr. B.: Language Mr. Taylor. I should be there in an hour and half with Dr. Green. Mr. Morgan do you need any assistance. We could be at your house in one hour.

Victor: Yes, that would be great.

Luke: I didn't say anything.

Mr. B: That was for the younger Mr. Taylor.

Doc: See you then Victor. I can't wait to eat Pookie's cooking. What is she making?

Me: Taco Soup!!!!

Doc: OHHHHH. I have not had that yet. I can't wait to try it.

Me: It is fucking awesome!

Mr. B.: Language Mr. Coleman. Unfortunately, Dr. Green and I can't stay the night because people are still bound to be watching the house. Should we bring anything?

Me: Luke-Dessert

Kota-the next Disney movie

Luke: Will do.

Kota: The next movie is Pinocchio.

Me: See everyone when they get here

I put my phone back into my pocket and went towards the kitchen. Sang was just finishing up. Then an idea struck me. We should so totally take a nap.

"Trouble, let's go lay down. I think I need a nap before everyone gets here."

"Are you sick, Meanie? I can call Dr. Sean for you."

"No. It is nothing a quick power nap won't fix." I lead her away from the kitchen once the stove was turned down to low and into Nathan's room and towards the bed. We got situated and it only took twenty minutes for her to settle down and fall asleep. As I was falling asleep the only thought that crossed my mind was I love holding her in my arms.

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