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Jessica Simon's Point of View

WARNING: This is not your normal love story. I am not the prettiest girl and he never was the hottest guy and neither of us were perfect. Our friendship and our relationship was never perfect. But we were perfect together. And he was perfect for me.

This story starts when I met him. No, wait. A week earlier.

I was offered the chance of a lifetime! I was getting to go to a concert for one of my all time favorite bands!

No, it wasn't One Direction, Rascal Flatts, The Script, or Mumford and Sons. I like modern music, I really do. But my secret love is for Orchestra music.

I won a trip to go listen to the New York Philharmonic! I was so excited! I also got to go and meet some of the musicians after the show! This was a dream come true!!

Little did I know, it was more of a dream come true than I thought. A little bit of a dream, a nightmare, and fate.

"Mom! Mom! I won! I won the contest! I'm going to see the Orchestra!" I squealed at my mother, even though she was sitting just at the other end of the table.

"Honey, I am right here. I know you are excited, but there is no need to scream," my mother replied.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I am just extremely excited! This is a dream come true!" I added excitedly.

"Well, you better hurry up and go off to school. The bus will be here any minute," my mother reminds me just as the bus is seen coming around the corner, turning onto our street.

"Bye Mom! See you this afternoon," I replied as I headed out the door.

I got on the bus and sat in the very front seat.

I am not the most popular girl either. I am more of an outcast, but I have two really close friends, Jamie and Elizabeth. We are all seniors in high school and we can't wait to graduate in about a month.

Jamie is going to a local college for engineering. Elizabeth is doing the same for performing arts. I, however, have been planning on going to Juliard for as long as I can remember. I feel so lucky that I have been accepted.

Since I am going to be far from them after this year, we have been trying to spend every time we have left together. We spend every Friday at each others' houses watching movies. Every first Friday of the month, it's at my house; every second Friday of the month, it's Jamie's house; every third Friday in the month is Elizabeth's. If there is ever a fourth week, we take a break and spend it with our families.

I was staring out the window day dreaming when a tall blonde boy with blue eyes sat down next to me. He wasn't skinny, but he was built. He was on the football team.

He smiled and greeted me with "Hey Jessie!"

I simply replied with a "Hey Jamie."

"How are things?" my second best friend, Jamie asked.

"Actually, really amazing! You are never going to guess! But try!" I bursted.

"Uh...." he started with a thoughtful look on his face. "Did you find out that you are secretly the twin sister of some music dude and you guys were separated at birth?"

"No, no, Jamie, like that would ever happen," I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

"It could! You never know!" Jamie shot back mischievously.

"No, Jamie, it's way better!" I replied with excitement.

"Did you finally get a boyfriend? We all knew this day would come. As your leading male figure, I believe it is time to have a little talk . . ." Jamie started jokingly.

"No! No! Jamie, no!" I laughed, "I won a contest to see an orchestra!"

"Oh Jessie....when will you learn to move on and listen to music from THIS CENTURY?" Jamie teased.

"Actually, orchestra music is still written today," I replied knowingly.

"Yeah, yeah," Jamie said, waving me off.

For the rest of the bus ride, we talked about school and college. We were both so excited to graduate, but at the same time, we didn't want to separate.

When we got to school, I went straight to my locker after promising to meet up with Jamie in first period. When I got there, before I could even start putting in my combination, a beautiful blonde girl came at me and crushed me in a hug.

"Hey, Jess! What's up?" My other best friend smiled at me.

"Hey, Liz! And actually you are never going to guess," I started. I explained the whole thing about the trip I won. That's the thing I like about Elizabeth. I can tell her anything and she supports me and never judges.

When we met, I was surprised that she wasn't a popular, rich, popular girl who only cared about herself. She is so pretty, with her perfect skin, perfect cheek bones, and perfect long blonde hair. She looks like she would be one of those people, but she isn't. She is kind and the best kind of friend anyone could ask for. Sometimes, I almost find myself wishing I had her perfect body and face.

Just as we were finishing our conversation about what my trip had in store, the bell for first period rang.

"Time to go meet up with Jamie in first. Bye, Liz!" I said as we started to part our separate ways to our first period classes.

"Okay, well tell him I need to talk to him sometime today, okay?" Elizabeth asked me with a last glance over her shoulder.

"Sure thing!" I replied after her.

I walked into homeroom, heading for the first available seat in the front. Yes, I am THAT girl. I get good grades, at times I can be sort of a 'Teacher's Pet', and I sit in the front of the class.

Jamie had already been saving me a seat next to him on the front row.

"Hey, Jamie, Elizabeth says she wants to talk to you," I explained, sitting down next to him.

"What about?" he questions me.

Elizabeth and Jamie don't talk to each other much unless I'm around.

"I don't know; she didn't say," I replied, getting out my supplies for the class.

The teacher came in just as the second bell rang. Class started and ended. Before I knew it, school was over.

Lately, the days have been going by in a blur. Nothing interesting happens. Nothing catches my attention. I feel like I am separated from the world and everything going on around still happens. But in a blur.

Everyday, when I get home, I have a habit of going straight to my "music room" and write song lyrics. There, I have a grand piano, an acoustic guitar, and electric guitar, a bass guitar, and a set of drums. This is my favorite room in the entire house.

I wish that I could just go in there and never come out. Just live my entire life in there. Nothing harming me. Nothing interrupting me. Nothing coming between me and my music.

Lately, though, I go in there and when I go to write, nothing happens. Nothing comes to my mind. Everything goes blank. It's all Silence. Deadly Silence. This Silence is what hurts me. Kills me. Silences me.

I lost my music. My words. My expression. Feelings. Emotion. I lost my Muse.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: I hope you like the Prologue! I am planing to update this summer at least once a week, but my summer is kind of packed. So I will try to stay on that as much as I can.

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