Afterlife Begins

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Couple of Days Later:

Watching your own funeral is really unbearable. Mostly when all the people you loved and know come and cry over you. I felt really bad and sad, but what I did had to be done. Just what Blake said, is was a great sacrifice, but in the end, I saved thousands of lives. I turned my head and saw my mother and Jade at the front of the seats crying their eyes out. My heart swelled with their tears, but what done is done. I walked over to the casket and looked down at my once live body. She looked peaceful and calm as she laid their. Closing my eyes, I turned and ran away.

Now that I'm fully 'dead', there is no way back. No way to reach them and tell them how much I love them, how much I cared for them, and mostly how much I'm going to miss them. I ducked under a branch as the tears started to seep through my eyes. I promise myself that I would not cry after I was dead, but I guess my soul still has that sadness and grief going through me.

I stopped dead in the middle of an open area and looked around. Something about this place felt familiar, but I couldn't place it. I stopped and took in the deadness around me. My heart was already in grief, but looking around at the dull world that I now live in made it only worst.

After the hospital inccident, I left watching over my mother and Jade. That's was probably the worst idea ever, but I had to make sure they would be fine. But that was one thing I couldn't fix. I could never talk to them ever again, nor could I touch or hug them both feeling their warmth again. Now all I can feel is deadness and sadness in their world. The world that shouldn't be here. A world where the restless wonder for years and years. Who knows how long I have to be here, before I can escape. Escape a eternal dread and sadness.

Slowly, I bent down on the gray grass and felt the coldness coming off from them. Looking around again, I had a flashed that went through my mind making me remember what this place was. This was the last and final place I saw my father, sister, and brother before the accident. I felt the tears swell again and I shook my head remembering the promise I had made. I leaned my head back and looked up into the dark dreary sky. Night was coming and who knows who's coming out of the dark this time. Signing, I got up and headed out, but before I left, I took one last look before finally letting that memory go.

Who knows how long I've been out, but the night has finally covered the world and I was pretty far from reaching the closes church. Looking around cautionly, I picked up my pace. As I walked closer to the city, I could hear the howling of people's dogs from all around. I felt fear rising in me remembering what a friend told me a long time ago. 'When all the dogs howled at the same time and at night, that means something is lurking in the dark. Something evil.'

I felt the coldness surrounding me from all sides. The dogs barked on and on. I looked around me, holding my hands to my arms as the cold grew. I breathe out and saw my own breathe. My eyes widen knowing that was bad knews. I rubbed my arms up and down as I rushed to the church a good distance away. As I walked closer something caught my eye, but I kept walking, not wanting to stop and ponder what was lurking. Mostly, I rather not know.

As I was about to reach the chruch's premises, something cold grabbed my arm and yanked me back. I fell on my butt and felt pain rushing up my body. Looking around, I saw cloud of darkness started to surround me. I started to panic when the cloud was closing the view of the chruch. Then heard something that scared me the most.

"Sarah..." I heard my name faintly.

"Sarah..." I turned my head fast towards the sound.

"SARAH!" The sound blasted me back on the ground, but this time when I looked up, I wasn't alone. Standing was a shadow much scarier than anything I have seen. It's eyes were pitch black like its body that was cloak behind the darkness. The shadow rose its hand and the darkness close in.

"No, stop it!" I yelled. Fear was seeping through me as the darkness started to come close.

"Don't worry," the shadow said. He spread his arm. "This won't hurt a bit." The darkness got closer, feeling me with my worst and deepest fears. Painful memories and terrible nightmares flashed in my mind to a point where I closed my eyes shut to focuse them away.

"No. Leave me alone," I said. I watched as my eighth grade bully toss all my stuff to the ground.

"Look at this hoe," he mocked. He walked over to me and held me my shirt. "Pathetic and weak little Sarah." I felt the shock as his fist made contact to my face. I covered my face as he swung his fist again. I felt the jolts, but I didn't feel my hands getting hurt anymore. I uncovered my face and looked at him blue eyes. I study his eyes until I notice his eyes went pitch black.

"Your not real anymore Micheal." His eyes flickered back to his normal blue eyes.

"I'm and this is what you get you stupid whore!" The kicked me in my stomach, but I felt nothing as he made contact.

"Don't you remember, Micheal?" He turned his head slightly to the side with a puzzled look in his face. "This isn't real." With that said, he was pulled back by an unknown force slamming him against the wall far away. I closed my eyes feeling my breathing becoming normal again. When I opened my eyes, I wasn't at school with Micheal picking at me, no I was in a cold dead world with a shadow who was slowly getting up, eyes in pure rage.

"I don't understand," the shadow said. His hand hovered over his chest hiding something at me while I could faintly pick out his heavy breathing.

"Understand, what?" I questioned. I took a step forward and the shadow took a step back. Hatred and rage was in its eyes, but it back up in fear of... me? It must have felt my confusion and swiped his hand at me, making the darkness coming at me again. Feeling the fear again, I closed my eyes and covered my face with both my arms waiting for the darkness to surround me, but instead I felt warm and happy inside. I tried to open my eyes, but a bright light made it hard to see. I heard a hissing as the I felt the fear and dread slipping away. Once I felt the fear gone, I relaxed my arms and looked in front of me. The shadow's cloak was hissing and burning. Looking at the thing, the hate and anger in its eyes heighten.

"I will not let you live!" The shadows said before coming at me. Instinctively I rose my arm to protect myself. As I watched the shadow get into hitting range a huge pure white light shined bright right at the shadow. I felt the shadow sizzling at the light brighten. "Arghhhh!" I I dropped my arm and saw the shadow sprawled on the ground seeing burn marks all over its body. "How?" It said rasply. I looked at the shadow seeing the darkness fading. I watched as his eyelid close, its chest rising and falling slowly down at each breathe it took. With one the last breathe, the shadow disperse leaving no trail behind.

I smiled and made a small prayer.I looked around hoping to find an angel to thank, but to my surprise, there wasn't one. Confused I looked at my arm and saw some scratch marks from where the shadow tried to cut me. Looking at the church up ahead, I quickly made my way over there, not wanting to push my luck. But there was one question running through my head, if it wasn't an angel that save me, then who did?


Another chapter here. Short, but isn't that a point of a short story? You probably have a lot of question going through your head, but I can promise you it'll all make sense in the end. If you are still confused, then comment below.

Hey Jack, I hope you are happy that I updated this. This one is just for you.

Well with nothing else to talk about, comment, vote, fan etc.... and this one is coming close to a close I think. Don't know yet, but I keep you posted on how that goes and another question... anyone know or how to do round robin writing??????????????

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