<3~Shattered-Chapter 1~<3

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The sirens were all I could hear. I had to get to her. But my feet were stuck in place, my legs were frozen, my tears wouldn't stop, my fists clenched, and my heart started to crack.

"Amber...." A whisper came through the air, once I finally got the ability to speak again, "please."

The ambulance screeched to a half, four feet away from me and three men jumped out running towards the lifeless body on the ground.

The paramedics gently placed her on the stretcher and pushed her past me. Daring to look, I saw her brunette hair soaked in her crimson blood, her forest green eyes, now a lifeless pale green and her smile was gone.

I watched this happen, how could I just sit here and watch her die?

I collapsed to my knees and buried my face in my hands. I couldn't hold back anymore and let the tears fall endlessly.

This is all a nightmare. I am going to wake up and she'll be safe and sound in my arms. This didn't happen, none of this is real. She's not dead yet either there's still a chance.

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't convince myself of what I wished to be true.

"Michael? Are you Michael Peters?" The sound of a rough man's voice came from behind me as  sat with my knees under me. My tear-stained face looked behind me at the man in paramedic clothes, new tears continuing to run down my cheeks. I nodded my head and returned my gaze back to the asphalt in front of me.

"Will you please come with me? The girl wants you in the ambulance with her," he put his hand on my shoulder as he talked to me. His was as rough as his voice and wrapped around my shoulder.

With shaking hands, I carefully pushed myself to my feet and closely followed this man to the ambulance. He got in and turned around offering me a hand to pull me up. I gladly took it, told him thank you, then adjusted to where I was sitting by Amber's head and I gently took her cold, limp hand into mine.

"Please don't leave me," I whispered softly into her ear, while bending over and resting my head next to hers.

"I always loved you and I still will, don't ever forget that Michael, don't ever forget me," she managed to speak through clenched teeth. I knew her pain was unbearable and she wouldn't last much longer, but I couldn't take the fact that I was going to lose her.

"Amber no I can't lose you, you're all I've got," I closed my eyes, willing the tears to go away.

"Hey everything will be ok," she weakly placed her hand on my cheek. Just as we pulled up to the hospital. The doors banged open quickly and the paramedics pulled the stretcher off the car and ran her into the hospital. I followed next to her never letting go of her hand.

"Sir can you wait right here?" A older female nurse asked. Looking longingly as they kept pushing Amber farther away I sat down in a lonely chair in the hallway.

"Thank you," she said and then paused before asking me, "do you know if her family's been informed?"

I shook my head to her but never lifting my view off the ground.

"I'll do it," I told her. I felt a sharp pain in my heart.

How am I supposed to tell her mother and her father and her little sister that their daughter or sister might die soon?

Her father was a nice man who was careful but not too strict, her mother the same, and her 6-year old sister looked up to her 16-year old sister, Amber. Who was also the love of my life. We've known each other our whole lives and we fell in love when we were fourteen, only two years ago.

I decided I should call them now so I went to pull my phone out when I realized it wasn't in my pocket anymore. Slumping down in my seat more I looked down the hall to see if anyone was walking by. Someone was, a fiery redhead who seemed to be around the same age as me, with her head hung low and her eyes brimmed with tears.

Why does the hospital have to be such a sad place, I asked myself as the girl sat in the only other chair in the hallway, which was next to me.

"Hey can I borrow your phone?" I asked quietly. The girl looked at me shocked as if she didn't notice I was there yet.

"Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you," I told her quickly.

"Oh no it's fine, here" she said handing me her phone as her face was covered in a curtain of red.

"Thanks" I took it and called Amber's parents and told them she was in the hospital and that she wasn't doing very good. They hung up quickly after telling me they'd be here soon.

"Here, thanks again......" I paused.

"Macy," she informed me as she took her phone back.

"Thank you again, Macy," she nodded her head in response, wiping her face clear of tears.

"Mr. Peters, are Amber White's parents on there way?" The nurse was back with her questions again.

"Yes ma'am," I said standing up, "but they'll be about an hour, we live quite  a ways away from here."

"Oh I don't think she'll make it that long, I am so sorry dear," she said abruptly. A small gasping noise escaped through my lips and I could feel the tears coming back.

"Can I see her?" I croaked through the tears.

"Yes, right this way," I followed her to a room that was filled with machines and medical supplies.

"Amber?" I called out her name.

"Michael," the pain came out clearly in her voice and I ran to the side of the bed she lay in.

"I- I love you." She let out a soft sigh and flatlined.

"No Amber, please don't do this," I thought I would have run out of tears by now, but they more of them came as the nurses ran in trying to revive her. It didn't work. There was just the noise of the machine showing that she was gone.


My heart was completely shattered.

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