End of the Day

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"Okay, Nana, I packed you carrot sticks in your lunch tomorrow. Don't trade them." Minho said to his daughter from the kitchen.

The little girl sighed softly and made Newt smile, "But appa..! I don't like my vegetables. Why am I not allowed to trade 'em?" She whined, dramatically falling back against the couch after having just got back from getting in her pajamas.

"You need them to grow up big and strong."

"Like you?"

Newt intervened and playfully poked her side, "Maybe even stronger than your dad." he smiled quietly. Nana giggled and twisted around to look at her dad with a small smirk.

Minho spotted that little mischevious look and raised a brow, "What are you two gossip girls whispering about over there?" He played along, now beginning to walk over into the living room.

Newt sat up straight and Nana copied him, both of them folding their hands in their laps, "Oh, nothing~" Newt mused.

Minho shook his head but couldn't help the smile on his face. "Come on, monkey butt." He motioned to Nana, "It's bedtime."

Nana pouted now and turned to give Newt a tight hug, "Night, Newt."

Newt hugged her back and kissed the top of her head, "Goodnight, love. Sweet dreams."

Minho then knelt down beside the couch, his back to the two loves of his life. "Saddle up." He added as part of their usual routine.

This part always made Newt smile no matter how many times he saw it.

Nana instantly gained a grin on her face again and went forward, wrapping her arms around her father's neck and hooking her legs around his waist in a piggy-back-ride position. Minho easily stood, then looked at Newt, "Be right back." Then he began galloping like a horse out of the room and down the hall to take a happily-laughing Nana to bed.

There was a few minutes of silence that Newt had by himself so he got up and spotted Minho's jacket on the floor. So he walked over and picked it up, then placed it's shoulders over the back of the arm chair where he knew it belonged. He sighed a little contentedly, then just walked around the room some more, waiting patiently when he saw Nana's gym shoes on the floor in a spot they would definitely be forgotten. He knew this tiny family like the back of his hand already. He went over and picked those up as well, but then was unsure of where to put them.

It was then that Minho returned from down the hall and let out a deep breath, "I have returned."

"I can see that." Newt smiled softly, then held the shoes out to him.

Minho gave a musing look, "Uh, no thanks. I'm not into Barbie themed attire."

That made the blond laugh softly, "No, Nana needs them for gym tomorrow." He replied, holding them out again.

The Asian chuckled as well, "Oh..! Right." He gently took the shoes and walked a bit but then turned and looked around in his spot, seeming to think, "Where can I put them where I'll remember...?" Then his face lit up and he seemed to come up with an idea. "Ah! With her lunch." He then walked over and stuck them in the fridge.

Now Newt laughed harder but made sure to keep it quiet, "Minho..! Now your fridge is going to smell like feet."

"Eh, it usually does anyway with my cooking left in it." The muscular male said as he went over to the couch and sat down.

Newt went over as well and occupied the spot beside his boyfriend, draping one leg over the other male's.

"Hey thanks again for babysitting Nana today." Minho said, sincerity dominating his tone.

The bloke shrugged, "Oh you're welcome."

"And I'm sorry we missed the movie."

"It's okay. I understand you get held up at work some times..."

"How about we try again on Thursday." Minho suggested.

That made Newt smile subtly, "...Sounds perfect."

Minho returned the smile and leaned over then, lovingly pressing his lips to Newt's and caressing his face with his hand. Newt kissed back of course and still smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Minho's neck. Being welcomed, Minho wrapped his other arm around Newt's hips to pull him as close as possible, then tilted his head a little more and kissed deeper. Newt's hands began running up into Minho's hair and his smile disappeared with the intense heat that was growing. Both male's lips would disconnect and reconnect as though being apart for more than 2 seconds would end both of them. But then...


Newt gasped loudly and they both jumped. The startled blond turned a deep red and looked away, scratching the back of his neck with extreme awkwardness. Minho cleared his throat and was blushing a bit himself as Nana just stood there behind the couch, expression blank. "You're not asleep, Nana."

The 7 year old smiled slightly with a nod, "I know, appa."

Minho looked at her then. She was definitely his kid, even inherited the sarcasm. "So what do you need?"

"I need a glass of water."

"Alright...One glass of water, to go." He pointed at her and she beamed, running back around the couch then plopped down on Newt's lap, who smiled and welcomed her as always. "Oh and by the way," Minho paused and turned to Nana, "I'm going to call Teresa and she's going to babysit you on Thursday."

Nana's expression fell, "But appa, Parent's Night is on Thursday at school." She then twisted around and looked at Newt, "Will you come too?"

Newt was taken aback. He blinked a couple of times, unknowing what to say, "Me? Come to Parents Night?"

"Mm-hm..!" Nana nodded encouragingly.

"I-I don't know. Don't you have to be like...a parent to go to one of those things?" Newt asked.

"No. They say you can bring anyone who is important to you and takes care of you. My friend Chuck said he's going to bring his grandma and grandpa because they're like his parents." Then she lit up again, "If you go I'll eat my carrots!" She then convincingly added.

Newt smiled warmly, so touched that he was that important to her.

Minho came over with the water, a smile on his lips as well, "How can you say no to that?"

The smaller bloke sighed then nodded, "Alright, sweetheart. I'll go."

"Yay!" Nana proclaimed and jumped back down just after pressing a quick peck to Newt's cheek. Then she gingerly took the glass from her dad's hand and he leaned down so she could kiss him too, then was gone down the hall again.

"She loves you as much as she loves me you know." Minho said as he slowly walked over and sat down again.

Newt shook his head, "No she doesn't. You're her entire world."

"Newt, she's told me. She said she loves you like a second dad." Minho replied.

The blond's gaze quickly went over to Minho, staring at him for a second, "R-...Really?"

"Yeah. You mean a shucking lot to her." He said, then leaned forward and got their lips only inches apart. "Just like you mean so much and more to me..."

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