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Rythian's POV

I woke up to the wind howling and the rain pouring. I looked to my side and saw Zoey wasn't at her side of the bed. I sat up immediately and looked out the window. I saw rain beating down on the glass and Zoey under a tree hugging her knees. I got out of bed and grabbed my katar. I walked out to the pouring rain. It felt like needles raining down on my skin. I reached Zoey and she had a scared look on her face.

"Zoey? What's wrong?" I spoke. She didn't answer, I shook her shoulders and she snapped out of her trance.

"R-Rythian?" She whispered then hugged me tightly, "I have a nightmare that you died."

I nodded, "Xephos whispered a curse in your ear but don't worry, it'll go away."

She smiled and hugged me tight. We sat there for a while then she loosened, I let her go and found she fell asleep, I chuckled and kissed her forehead and carried her back to the bedroom.

Herobrine's POV 

Foolish people, thinking they will be safe, BAH, I will have my revenge and soon they will all die.

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