I Am

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I am the Hero:

    Virtuous and strong

    Honorable and trustworthy,

    The victor of battles,

    Defender of others

    But I have felt sorrow,

    I have loved, lossed, lived and transformed.

    My greatest untold fear,

    Is becoming

    The VILLAIN.

I am the Villain:

    Vicious and scornful

    Horrific and tarradiddle,

    Harbringer of war

    The reaper of innocence

    But, I have felt true happiness,

    I have loved, lossed, lived and transformed.

    My greatest untold regret,

    Was becoming   

    The HERO.

Then, who am I?

    A civilian? It is not unreasonable.

    A hero? That's possible.

    A villain? Perhaps.

    For I am the civilian that fate had chosen,

    Became the hero, a person who cared for all,

    Only to care so much that betrayal followed on my heels to turn me the villain.


I am the Civilian. I am the Hero. I am the Villain.

I am YOU.

Who will end the rule of my pride,

And be my salvation?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2016 ⏰

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